My Tsundere Princess || Hanma Shuji

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Thank you for requesting for the 3rd one and for this. Enjoy! In this one, Valhalla Arc never happened as well as Moebus.


" .... J-just be careful" you said to your brother blushing. "How cute~" Baji teased to you making you blush so hard.

"S-shut up! It's so hard to treat someone as  fragile as an egg!" you reasoned making the others laugh even Draken.

"Hai, hai, my tsundere sister" Draken said making you mad. "Baka" you murmured as the both of you hugged a bit and they took their way.

You went to your school since you and your brother don't enter the same school.

"Shu-kun" you called as he looked at you and smiled. "The Tsundere Princess has arrived" he said amd bow down.

"Urusai! I'm not a tsundere!" you said and punched him softly. "You are~" he teased as you punched him as hard as you can making him flew off.

"I'm not, baka!" you argued and started walking to the school entrance. He chuckled and run to catch up to you.

"Are you done with your assignment?" he asked as you shrugged. "I already passed it" you answered making his jaw drop. "What the hell?! That so long 4 page essay and stuff?!" he said as you crossed your arms and smile proudly.

"Hm! Bow down to me!" you said as he followed making you laugh. "Anyways, I'm going to go somewhere so I can't walk you home" he said and let enter first.

"Me too, I'll be doing something" you answered as  he nods.

The teacher came in and the both of you went to your designated seat and listened. You and him knew each other since the first year in middle school. Well, in some case some guys hit on you and he came as your life saver. You then got stuck together, being in the same class and having all subjects together.

You sometimes sneak out to meet him at night, just making sure Draken won't caught you. You have a little crush on him and it grew bigger and bigger when the time goes by. Being a tsundere like you, it won't be easy to do it.

"Ken-chan!" you greeted and hugged him from behind. "[Name], you came" he said as he turned around and hugged you back.

Every eyes went to the both of you, wondering who you are. "Draken! How could you cheat on me!" Emma  said stomping her way to the both of you. Making you and him break the hug.

"Who is she, Ken-chan?" you said pointing her making her growl but the others stopped her. "Haven't I told you?" Mikey asked to Emma making her stop

"Told what?" she asked confusedly. "Introduce" Draken whispered. "Me? I'm Ryuguji [Name], BakaKen's younger twin" you said gaining a loud 'ehh' from the crowd.

"BakaKen? Really?" Draken teased you. "U-urusai! Be thankful you have a nickname!" you reasoned making him laugh.

After the  meeting you went back to your house. (Pretend you have your own house since Draken's staying at his workplace(?)) You made your dinner and prepared a bento for tomorrow.

You went to your room after washing the dishes, you turned off the lights and opened your phone to watch some anime.

Ping. Your phone received a message from Hanma.

From: Shu-kun
To: [Name]
Hey, wanna hang out?

From: [Name]
To: Shu-kun
Baka, its already 7

From: Shu-kun
To: [Name]
Its fine, we'll be back before 8:30

From: [Name]
To: Shu-kun
Wait me at the park

From: Shu-kun
To: [name]
Roger, you highness

You sighed and took your purse, in case Draken caught  you walking to enter  or to leave the house.

You jumped  off the window  and took your way out of the house. "[Name]" someone called  as you looked at your right and saw Hanma.

"Let's go" he said as he held you hand and took you inside the mall and started wondering around, buying some things.

"You look stupid" you commented as he wore one of the sunglasses. "Hey why don't you try this?" he said as he put a nerd glasses  to you.

"You look like a nerd shy girl" he said immediately taking picture. "B-baka!" You said pinching  him.

"Ermm .....Y-you look c-cute in that glasses by the way" you commented making him blush and flush a smile.

"Cute~ you complimented me" he said obviously teasing you. "Don't get use to it" you said and crossed arms.

"Anyways, I'll take this" he said and took yours and  his and payed the cashier.

You both went to a café inside the mall and ordered something. "Why did you call me out here? I'm just curious" you said and took a sip in your coffee.

"I want  to tell you something" he said as  he put his cup down and looked at you.

"I love you"  he said making you blushed furiously. "D-don't joke around Shu-kun" you said and lowered your head.

"I am not, I'm serious" he said making you lift your head and looked ag him.

You sighed and looked at him seriousky as well. "I-I already liked you since you saved me. I do love you but you need to get my brother's permission first. Knowing him" you said and sweat drop

"Sure, who's your brother anyway?" he asked. "You already knew him, Ryuguji Ken also known as Draken" you answered  as he hummed

"Draken, eh? Might be hard them"

"But I'll be saving my Tsundere Princess from his Dragon Brother" he said as you chuckled.

"Baka, If he heard  you you'll be doomed.


"Mikey, let go of me!" Draken yelled as he saw you and Hanma laughing. "Stop! You're sister already knew Hanma before we got to meet him" Mitsuya said.

"He's the one guarding [Name], but I bet being [Name] she is. If ever Hanma confessed, even if she loved him back, Hanma will go over you before [Name]" Baji said

"Its up to you to block your sister's happiness, or let [Name] be happy and guard her on the sideline" Mikey said.

"If she treats my sister as his Tsundere Princess then I'll let it. If not, he'll die"

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