Wait for Me|| Shinichiro Sano

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This is an Au of Y/n as a High school and Shinichiro as the owner of S•S Motors.

"Hey, Izana! The project you dumb kid!" you yelled at him as you hit him a book. A thick encyclopedia.

"Oi! [Name]! Stop hitting me, idiot!" he yelled making  you smirk. "Fight me then, stupid!" you provoke making him almost hit you but got stopped  by someone.

"Stop it Izana, its a girl" Shion said as you groan. "Come on Shion!" you whined as you pointed him up. "Oh─ There you are!" someone yelled as Ran and Rindou came in view

"Hey, [Name] do you know how  to do the project for English?" Rindou asked as you opened your bag and gave him your notes.

"Its in there, I already got a copy since Izana's here. You can understand it clearly and I explained it there" you said as Ran pat your hair.

"Let's go" Izana said and dragged you away. "Why did you give it to them?!"  he asked obviously pissed. "Why?" you asked. "Izana!" someone called out of nowhere as the both of you looked back and saw Kakucho.

"Ah, [Name]-senpai, I need  to borrow. It would take long, sorry" he said and you nod.

"Sure, I'll just walk─" you were cut  off when Izana interfere. "No, stupid! Shinichiro-niisan will get angry if I let you walk alone. I'll call him, just wait at the shed" he said and you hummed.

"Okay~ By the way, we need metalic paper, bring red and gold also yarns" you reminded as  he nod and walked away with Kakucho.

You brought my earphone out and turn the volume where you can't hear anything besides the music in your phone.

Hero too, strength doesn't make a hero~
True heroes (true heroes)~
Stand up for what they believe~
So wait and see~
So wait and see~
(Hero Too from My hero academia)

Humming the lyrics you didn't notice someone arriving at the shed hearing you humming Hero Too.

Shinichiro smiled as he saw you, he approached and sat beside you silently. He  then took the other side of the earphone as  the next song came it.

"Gurenge, huh? Nice choice" he commented making you startle by the move. "Shin?! Why haven't you told me you arrived already?!" you complained as  you turned the music off.

"Let's go, little girl" he said as he pats your head. "Don't treat me like a child!" you yelled as he chuckled. "Yes you are"he commented making you pout.

You don't want to be treated as a child especially if Shinichiro was the one doing  that. He's older than you for about 7 years. But that doesn't stopped you for liking  him. Well, Izana knew that but didn't care about it at all.

You started liking him since  the day you met him. He was your ideal but the problem is that, he only sees you as his little sister.

"[Name]-neechan!" Emma yelled as she jumped to you. "Okay, okay, don't exhaust her. She  still have some project to do with Izana" Shinichiro said as he pat your head.

"Oya? Is  she Izana's girl?" someone asked from one of Mikey's friends. A dark aura suddenly leaked from behind you making you shriver as well as  the others.

"Are you [Name]?" Shinichiro asked as you shook your head. "No, we aren't! Izana and I were just friends!" you quickly replied as the dark aura became a normal one.

Izana  then came hours later as the both of you finished your project. Normal days came and normal days pass by.

Its your day to have another karate tournament. By winning two times, you are now one of the participants in the preliminaries. By afternoon, you entered your class.

"[Name]-san, I called someone that can pick you up. you're excused so you don't need to force yourself" Wisteria-sensei said


"Stop being  a hardheaded brat, its Shinichiro that will pick you up" Izana whispered as you sighed.

"By the way, Congratulation for Entering the preliminaries, [Name]-san" Wisteria-sensei greeted  as  everyone clapped making you smile and bow.

You left the classroom and saw Shinichiro at the entrance of  the school building. He approached and took your bag.

"Wisteria called me, what if you passed out, idiot" he said and flicked your forehead.

"Urusai!" you yelled and  pout. He chuckled and walked ahead of you. You  walked behind him.

"My bike isn't here so we'll be walking" he  said as you hummed. On your way, you tried to build up courage to atleast confess. Your body's feeling weak and heavy.

You fasten you pace then lay your  head at his back making him stop. "What is it?" Shinichiro asked as worriedly looked back but not turning back.

"Shin, just wait. I may be immature at the moment and act childishly sometimes. So, wait for me"

"What I was saying is ... I lik─ I mean I love you ... So please ... W-wa ... it .... for ... me" you then passed out making him catch you.

He carried you at his back and smiled, "I love  you too" he said as  he brought you to their house and let you stay there since you live  in an apartment, a little far from their house.

After letting Emma change your clothes, Shinichiro took care of you. You had a fever, luckily, your  tournament would be in 2 weeks.

You slowly opened your eyes and saw Shinchiro at thr balcony whistling. "Hey" you called as Shinchiro looked at your direction and stopped whistling.

He suddenly pat your  head, "[Name]" he called as you looked up to him. He suddenly leaned in and kissed you to the lips making your eyes widen. But soon, kissed back. He pulls back and  smiled

"I won't wait, I love  you just the way you are" he said as you smiled sweetly and hugged him.

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