Karaoke Take 2

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Y/N groggily got up to hear a bunch of shuffling noises from downstairs. It wasn't directly below them, but a couple floors down. It sounded like it was coming from the lobby, which if it was that loud that meant it wasn't good. Y/N looked out the window at the sky, and since being in Hell for so long, he could kind of tell the time now. It was a little bit after 9:30 AM. He got up, and saw Charlie still snuggled up under the blankets. He smiled, before leaving the room to see what was going on below.

He arrived in the lobby to see Angel straining to carry a portable stage, or pieces of it, into the main area of the ground floor.

"Um, Angel? What are you doing exactly?" Y/N asked, confused on why he was being this stage out again, since the last time, well it got interrupted to say the least.

"Well last time we did one of these, it was canceled by bone dry bitch, so we're having a do-over, as Charlie said" Angel responded, heaving the middle piece to the exact spot where it needed to be.

"Oh ok" Y/N responded, going to the kitchen, preparing himself something to eat. He sat down with his food, watching Angel struggling to bring all the pieces together, and he chuckled to himself. After a lot of racket, Charlie and Vaggie came down, with the princess confused, and the bodyguard for said princess, pissed.

"Angel, what the HELL IS GOING ON?!" Vaggie screamed, judging by the sags under her eyes, she did not get enough sleep and Angel wasn't helping.

"Yeah, Angel, why are you causing all this noise? WAIT IS THAT THE STAGE?!" Charlie said, then exclaimed afterwards, now understanding what he was doing.

Angel nodded his head. "Ask the owner of the Hotel, V" he responded as he continued assembling the stage.

Vaggie got a little more mad but Charlie calmed her down and began to explain the situation to her ex. "The last time we did karaoke, Reaper crashed the party, so I asked Angel if he could get the stage together again. And, he's doing it earlier as expected" she said.

"So, a do-over?" Vaggie said, now understanding the whole idea of this.

"Yes!" she said, going over to the stage, to make sure everything was assembled correctly, so far. Vaggie went into the kitchen and fixed her food, then sat beside Y/N.

"So, first morning after being back. How is it?" She said, trying to start a conversation with the recently resurrected being beside her.

"Eh, it's fine. I honestly don't remember much of it. It's a blur" he responded, and then drank out of his mug.

"You remembered enough to tell us what happened yesterday" she pointed out, implying that he either made up stuff, or he forgot very quickly.

"Well, I mean I remember the important parts. Me waking up, me pulling on the chain, and me arriving at the end and being revived" he said, recalling the experience.

"So, you forgot the part where you pulled on the chain for however long?" she asked, and Y/N nodded.

"Yes, I don't remember exactly how long, but I know it felt like forever. It just got so dull I kind of toned it out. Then, eventually, I found the exit" he said, and Vaggie was kinda amazed. He had gone through a lot ever since he came down here, and he's still pushing on.

"You know, when you first came through those doors, like most people, especially men, I didn't trust you one bit. Sometimes Charlie's optimism gets the best of her, but I'm glad she prevented me from killing you on the spot. You've actually grown on me" she said, meaning it deep down, but on the surface, making it seem like she couldn't stand saying it.

Y/N was just as shocked. "I'm sorry, could I get that on film?" He said, bewildered at what he just heard come out of her mouth.

"Alright, you're milking the moment" she said, regretting what she said.

"Sorry, just didn't expect that out of you" said the demon hybrid that sat beside her.

"Me either" she responded, before they both chuckled.

"Thanks for letting me know" he said, being sincere and mature about the moment.

"Yeah, well with you getting so close to Charlie, you're basically family. We just need the wedding" she said as Y/N taking a drink, resulting in him immediately spitting it out.

"Wha, what?" He said, choking on his words. Causing Vaggie to laugh.

"Well, if things continued to go well, I assumed you two would marry. That's what me and her plans were if we stuck together for a good bit longer" she said, causing Y/N to understand a little bit more.

"Yeah, she told me she always wanted a wedding not too long ago" he said, recalling the moment they had the day before.

"Yeah, she's wished for that for as long as I've known her" she said, and Y/N nodded in response.

Just then, a crash was heard followed by:



Vaggie sighed and Y/N smirked and shakes his head, laughing internally at the shenanigans that the porn star was having.

"Better make sure he doesn't do anything stupid" she said, getting up and grabbing her spear from under the table.

"Too late for that" Y/N said as he finished his plate. Vaggie cracked a smile before putting on her pissed face as Angel shouted another foul statement which Charlie immediately got onto him.


Three hours later and a lot of yelling in the lobby occurring, the stage was figuratively and literally set. Angel was sweating by the end and Charlie had ended up doing the rest of the work as Angel took a LONG break. He returned at the end and did finish it up, but Charlie overall got all the little quirks and mistakes polished up.

Soon, the worst thing had possibly happen.

Angel had gotten hold of a megaphone.

"LADIES AND GENTLESHITS, KARAOKE NIGHT IS GOING TO COMMENCE IN FIVE MINUTES, SO EVERYBODY GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE!!" He said, which earned multiple glares, but before the five minute mark was up, everyone was in the lobby, and the night that was once interrupted, was about to start again, except this time, there would be no interruptions.

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