Deep Dive

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Everybody got ready for the show. They all sat in seats and ready to watch everyone sing. Now, because of everything that had happened, drinks were allowed. Charlie and Vaggie did not like this, but they understood that they needed some time to relax after what had recently occurred. They decided to join, and drink as well.

First onto the stage was Angel, which already just five minutes in he was slightly drunk. "You guys ready for the best fucking performance?!" He screamed, all of his words slurred. Alastor gave a "hm" sound, Husk groaned and drank more alcohol, Vaggie prepared for the annoyance of the hotel to become even more annoying, Nifty wasn't really paying attention, and Charlie was the only one ready and actually clapped a little bit.

Angel took the mic and began to sing TiK ToK by Kesha, and while the actual song was really nice and upbeat, Angel's singing got worse and worse as in between verses he would drink. His performance ended when the song had a couple more seconds left, and he just fell off the stage. Charlie gasped, Vaggie starting laughing, Husk was asleep, Nifty was busy drinking her 'virgin' drink as Charlie wouldn't allow the maid's chaotic self alcohol, and this was the only time since the Karaoke started that Alastor had smiled.

After getting Angel up and making sure he was ok, Alastor went up, teleporting his piano up there and prepared to play. He cracked his fingers and annoyed Angel saying stupid stuff in the background and began to play. And as the notes flew through the air, so did his voice.

He sang You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile, again. As soon he played the first few notes, Charlie was disappointed, as she specifically wanted everyone to choose a different song. Alastor didn't care, he was playing the one he loved. The only one he loved. Even though it came out after he died, he caught wind of it and immediately enjoyed the song. He finished up, with Charlie liking the performance, just annoyed that it wasn't different from last time.

"Al, I thought we talked about this" Charlie said.

"My dear, I couldn't play any other song. That ones too perfect!" The Radio Demon exclaimed as he went back to his seat.

"Hey, Vaggie you should go" Charlie said, motioning her to the stage. Vaggie eyes immediately widened.

"I'm good. I'm not one for singing. I'm not even that good" the demon with one eye responded. Charlie immediately looked at her with a shocked look.

"That's a lie. Remember all those times you sung me to sleep?" she said, and Angel heard this and quickly inserted himself into the conversation.

"So Vags, you can sing?" Angel said, and Vaggie's face was already turning red. From a little bit of embarrassment, but mostly her hatred for Angel quickly rising. Charlie noticed this and immediately stepped in and calmed her down, and gave Angel a look of 'Leave'. He shrugged his shoulders, and went over to Husk, who just started on his twelfth bottle of beer.

Y/N saw Charlie calming down Vaggie and deciding to ease that whole mess, he would go up and sing. He began to walk to stage before Charlie saw him and stopped him.

"Hey, are you going to sing?" she asked. Y/N nodded.

"Well, I want you to do something" she said, looking up at him.

"Uh ok. You got a song request?" he asked, not sure what she wanted him to do.

"No, I want you to sing something that reflects how you felt when you first got to Hell and the first couple of weeks" she said, and Y/N was pleasantly surprised. He definitely hadn't expected this.

Corrupted: New Life (Male Reader x Charlie) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now