The Next Chapter

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           Y/N woke up as light from other buildings in the city shone in from the windows. He groggily got up and rubbed his face, as his wore out body finally got the rest he deserved. He looked over to see a peacefully sleeping Charlie, right beside him. A slight smile on her face, indicating a sign a comfort, which Y/N was happy to provide. Her body shifted up and down, with the slight, calm movements of her lungs. She was perfect. Y/N slowly got up to not ruin her sleep and crept over to the kitchen, to fix him a little something to eat.

         He scourged around the pantry and eventually found some protein bars. He got a glass of water and planned on going to his room to take a shower. As he was walking, he past by Charlie's office, which was left open.  The actual working purpose of the hotel had been lost, in a way. Everyone was worried about protecting it and ensuring it's survival, it never got to live during that timeframe. Hopefully, that would change soon, now that the danger was no longer in sight. No malicious threats nearby, or at least aimed at them, for a while.

     So, her office had ben abandoned. A therapy center which was desperately needed now, as new additions of trauma were added to the patrons. Some from Reaper and the situations that surrounded Y/N, and others on their own accord. But as Y/N looked in there, he noticed something. In all of the color papers in her room, one stuck out to him. A calendar, with this month on it. A specific date was circled in a glittery pen.

    "Aw shit" Y/N softly said, realizing what was coming in 4 days. Charlie's birthday. And unbeknownst to her, his and her's wedding day.

After a quick shower, Y/N headed to the lobby and was about to leave when he noticed Vaggie eating breakfast. He looked around to make sure the princess wasn't in immediate sight and went over to the bodyguard of the hotel, needing a certain answer really badly.

"Hey, where's Charlie?" Y/N asked, nervously looking around.

"She's using the shower. She said she needed to 'get awake' before going back to hotel duty" Vaggie said, rolling her eyes at the princess' infinite work ethic, and her determination to accomplish her dreams.

"Really? Okay, well listen, I need a HUGE favor" Y/N said, wondering how much help he needed from Vaggie. Since the girl in front him dated Charlie, there was no doubt she heard about the princess' dream wedding. Plus, with the fact that Y/N knew very little about marriage planning, he figured he was going to try and get all the help he could get, from a reliable source. He was sure as hell not going to ask this kind of advice from Angel.

"Um, okay?" She said with a nervous laugh. After letting loose last night, she didn't expect the corrupted demon to immediately return to his serious tone.

"When I talked with the Morningstars, they asked me to do something. And I need you help to execute it perfectly" Y/N said, as his anxiety began to rise. Sure, he had thought about this idea multiple times, but the fact he was about to say it aloud for the first time and realize it's concrete existence was a daunting moment for him to tackle on.

"Okay, and what is that? If it's killing somebody, it better not be anybody good or too powerful" she replied, finishing off her toast. She wiped her mouth with a napkin as Y/N fidgeted with his hands.

"TheywantmetomarryCharliebyherbirthday" Y/N said quickly, throwing it out as fast as he could.

"Slow down, it's not the end of the world, is it?" Vaggie said jokingly at first, then immensely stiffened up, realizing who this request from coming from.

Y/N breathed, and tried to ease his heart rate. 'You got this' he thought to himself. He took one last deep breath, and opened his mouth.

"They want me to marry Charlie by her birthday" he said, and Vaggie immediately smiled.

Corrupted: New Life (Male Reader x Charlie) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now