Rock Bottom

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The Hazbin Crew fell from the trapdoor. "Shit!" Yelled Angel as gravity had taken control of him. Alastor and Charlie quickly slowed everybody down as they reached the bottom, but as they got there, their power fizzled out and they arrived on the ground.

"Damn Al could've been a little softer on the landing" Angel said, rubbing his back from the rough landing.

"I thought I was, but it seems..." Alastor began, and tried to use his powers, but a defunct static noise came out instead. "Like our powers are blocked in this area" he concluded.

"What?" Charlie said, trying to light a flame. The put they landed in remained dark, proving even the daughter of Lucifer was powerless here. "There has to be another way to get out of here" she said, not losing her optimism, not yet.

They looked all around, finding very smooth walls, and a trapdoor, with its hinges exposed at the top.

"I think I can wedge my spear and jimmy the door open. It's what Nifty does when a door is locked" Vaggie said, while examining the entrance and possible exit above them.

"Why does she?...I'll have to talk to her about that when we get back. Well, let's try it!" Charlie said, happy to try out any idea and get them out of there.

"Looks like you're gonna have to stand on my shoulders Al..." Angel said seductively. The Radio Demon's face remained unchanged, and uttered a simple "No".

Vaggie muttered something under her breath about Angel being a pervy son of a bitch among other things, but she let it go with Charlie began speaking again.

"Alastor on bottom, then me, then Vaggie. Sound good?" She said, trying to plan the best arrangement.

"I knew you were a bottom. But what about me?" Angel said, getting his sex joke out as quick as he could.

"You obviously aren't taking this seriously. We need to get out of here and deal with Hayden, who's apparently Y/N's dad..." Charlie said, still a little shocked by the revelation.

"Yeah that's weird as Hell" Vaggie said, putting her spear on her back.

Alastor got into position, and lifted the princess over him and she stood on top of his shoulders, trying not to hurt him.

"Not that weird. Everyone's got a messed up family, it just varies on how close it is to you" Angel said, leaning against a wall, watching this plan unfold in front of him.

Charlie then proceeded to pull Vaggie up as Alastor pushed her up. Vaggie proceeded to the top of the human ladder and pulled out her spear once she had enough balance. She pushed it for and began juggling the flaps holding the door in. After a few seconds, she was able to crack one. "Wait," Vaggie said, as she could now hear what was going on upstairs: Violent Fighting. As in to the death.
"Shit" she said, moving to the next flap and hurrying with that.

"What is it Vaggie?" Charlie said, unsure of the bodyguard of the hotel as she began to speed up the process of taking down the door.

"They're fighting up there. And it doesn't sound pretty" she said, about down fidgeting with the door.
Suddenly, a wet plop was heard; the drop of a body. Vaggie put all her strength in and completely popped off the flap, allowing the door to be pushed open with ease. Alastor tried to use his powers, by simply filling the air with static and it worked. The little power barrier had been dealt with. Alastor then rose the floor of the pit, bringing it to ground level. They all looked ahead at the scene of carnage they had missed.

Five Minutes Earlier

The Hazbin Crew screamed and fell behind Y/N, into a deep pit.

"I'm gonna kill you" Y/N said, anger seething out.

"Well come on then. Spill your own blood" Hayden replied, pulling out a karambit.

Father and son looked on at each other, before advancing. One quick movement of Y/N's iris, and the fight begun.

Y/N approached quickly, jumping up and trying to punch Hayden. He easily dodged this attempt and sliced Y/N's side.

"Why are you doing this? Why did you hire Reaper?" Y/N yelled out. His rage covered the fact that his corrupted-ness was taking over.

"I knew you wouldn't join us on Earth. So, I decided to get you down here to experience the horrors of Hell. Then you would come running back to your family". Hayden began, before attacking his son. They both got a few hits in, and blocked some of them as well. Hayden still spieled about the reasoning behind all of this.

"The night you were dragged down, me and your mother sacrificed ourselves and went to Hell. We had been doing rituals for years, but we decided it was time to finally go to our eternal kingdom" he continued, before Y/N slammed his father against the wall and then threw him across the room. His veins completely black and his other features slowly growing.

"With our influence down here already established from up there, it was easy to create our presence here known, and get what we want!" Hayden shouted, kicking Y/N into his desk. Y/N grabbed the desk, ripped it in half, and tossed both chunks at his attacker. The first one missed, but the second one hit him a tad bit and fractured his shin. Y/N was basically in his corrupt form, just missing his wings.

"But we always wanted you to join the family business. And the best way, was to drag you to Hell personally. We're family. We stick together" Hayden finished, limping towards Y/N.

Y/N grunted and his midnight feathers sprung out. The clock had finished its final cycle for Hayden.

Y/N grabbed his father and slung him across the room, leaving an imprint of his body. He groggily got up, but Y/N grabbed him before he could make any moves and slid his face against the wall, cutting it in many places. Blood spilled from Hayden's cheek, chin, forehead and nose, as his breathing got heavier.

"You're strong. I heard but now I see. That was the one thing I was worried about, your weak self coming into Hell. So I had Reaper develop something to make you stronger. More powerful"  Hayden said, rubbing the running crimson trail off of his chin. He walked around the room, keeping equal distance from his son. He then got his knife and lunged out at Y/N one finally time. Y/N simply grabbed him by the throat, squeezing it hard enough to make him drop the knife.

"Alright, you've shown yourself worthy. You can join us now" Hayden said in a slightly, shaky and strained voice. He was clearly in surrender, and wanted this to be over. Too bad Y/N didn't have mercy.

He grabbed Hayden's head with both of his hands, and began to squeeze. Squeeze until the vessels in his head poked out as far as the could, and began rupturing. Internal bleeding was the first part. The second was the eyes bulging and eventually slowly oozing out, and the blood waterfall coming from his mouth. Every orifice in his face was pouring out red. He now had blood stained tracks running from his eyes as the actual eyeballs plopped onto the floor, their juices continuing to spread. After a few good seconds of squeezing, the skull cracked and caved in on itself. It crunched quickly, and left a deafening sound in the room. The entire left and right side of his head dug into the rest of the skull a little bit. The pressure erupted the top of his head, making him look a little bit like a volcano. And through the flesh tears and bone shattering, you could see his evil brain, rotting away as now this monster was dead.

Y/N dropped his father onto the floor with a wet pomp, finally ending the mystery of how he got down here , and who was behind it. He stood over the body, his shoulders bobbing as his chest quickly breathed. He had done it. In the midst of the killing, Y/N had failed to hear the crew rise from the pit they fell in.

"Oh shit" Vaggie said, noticing the scene before her.

Y/N looked back, ashamed. He deserved to die a second time, but in front of them? Would they judge him for killing his own father? Sure, he had demonstrated his monstrous side before them before, but this was a whole new level. This was someone who he grew up with. And he showed no mercy, what effect would that leave? And with those troubling thoughts, Y/N took flight, escaping his problems as his friends called out to him.

Corrupted: New Life (Male Reader x Charlie) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now