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Glossy, white bells dinged as in the backyard of the Hotel, a special event took place. The wedding of a princess, to a corrupted beast. That's what some saw him as. But his fiancé saw him as a perfect, loving guy who could protect those he loved. A caring individual. With murderous tendencies from time to time, but still, she loved him.

The venue was small, both in scale and attendance. Lucifer did make sure what was there was the highest of quality and class. But only her parents, and the Hazbin group showed. They didn't want to blast this all over Hell, or at least not yet. If there was anything Lucifer hated, besides all the stuff he did, it was paparazzi.

Everything was apple themed, shockingly. However, Charlie was able to convince her dad to make it more subtle than what was originally planned. This was HER wedding after all.

On the left side only two chairs were set up, both glorious and highly detailed with the finest of fabric found on the rings. There sat the rulers of this whole place. Well, at least one of them. Lilith sat and waited for her husband to walk up with her daughter.

On the right side sat the Hazbin crew. From left to right, it was Vaggie, Nifty, and Husk. Alastor was decided to be the 'officiant' in this scenario. Angel was given a special role that would come up later.

By Alastor, at the altar stood Y/N. Nervous. He had dressed up in a suit that he himself liked, found with the help of the Radio Demon himself.

Soon, the music began to play, and Y/N tensed up. The audience looked back to see Angel as the flower boy, with Fat Nuggets walking beside him, with a little mini basket of pedals as well. They eventually made it to their seats, and the big moment came.

Down the aisle, walked father and daughter. Two of three Morningstars. Lucifer, and Charlie. The princess wore a bright red dress, fluffed out to the extreme. Deep within, she had dark red fabric underlining the main exterior of her dress, providing a scarlet gradient as you looked at her. Charlie knew of what traditional weddings were, with the tuxedo and the white wedding dress, but this was Hell after all. They had to change it up a little bit.

Eventually, after what felt like a lifetime for Y/N, she finally arrived at the altar. Lucifer sat down by his wife, ready to enjoy the show. A light red silk covered her face, but her eyes still shined through. Y/N smiled and lifted it to reveal her beautiful face.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention. Today is a lovely day in Hell for these two. Their love story is quite a spectacle, but nevertheless, it was always going to end up here. The realistic, dark protector, and the happy as can be, optimistic princess. Opposites attract, as they say. But now isn't the time for me to dwell on the past. It's time for them to. Charlie dear, speak your vows" Alastor said, beginning the service. Charlie took a deep breath and looked at her notecard. She then looked back into the eyes of her lover, and began to speak.

"Y/N, when I first saw you, it may have been pity, but immediately, I wanted to protect you for the rest of your life. But as time went by, pity turned into genuine care and love. We've been through so much this one year, and I can't wait to go through the rest of our lives together. I'm so happy you landed down here when you did. I will forever love you, until time itself collapses" the princess spoke, with big bright eyes. Her red pupils glittered with joy, as she stared at Y/N, awaiting his response.

Y/N took out his card, cleared his throat, and began to read. "Charlie, I never expected my life to end up like this. I thought I was going to live a boring life as a human on Earth, then I was dragged here. At first, I thought it was the worst thing possible, but then I met all of you guys," He said, motioning his hand towards the crowd. "And especially you Charlie. At first, I dismissed my feelings because you were a demon and I was human. Then, times changed. We became closer, and I couldn't express the amount of glee that occurred during that time. Going to Hell was the second best thing to happen to me. You are the best thing Charlie, the greatest addition to my life was you. And I can't wait to see where this road takes us." Y/N continued, finishing up his vow. Charlie had a few tears in the corners of her eyes, but she wiped them away.

"Well, that sure was lovely!" Alastor said with a giant grin. He may of thought of this whole thing as a bit overkill, when he did love, but not in this kind of scenario. It didn't pump him full of happiness, it wasn't the 'berries' to him, but he wasn't going to ruin the princess' special day. Especially with her father in the crowd.

"Now, the rings, dear Vagatha" Alastor said, leaning forward a little bit. Vaggie rolled her eyes and brought up the rings. For Charlie, a silver and gold encrusted band with a great Diamond, with hints of ruby in its corners. For Y/N, a gold ring, with etched in words in an ancient Hell language, which translated to: Bonded eternally, lovers until the end.
He barely could read it in English, due to him not knowing all of Hell's languages, but he appreciated and agreed with the statement nevertheless.

"The time you've two have shared has been indeed a lot, and now it's time to see it a step further. Charlie, do you take Y/N as your husband, until the end of time?" The Radio Demon asked.

"I do" she said confidently.

"And Y/N,"

"I do" he said confidently.

"Alright you love birds, since you're so eager, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may," the red officiant said, but as soon as the word pronounce came out of his mouth, Charlie and Y/N smashed theirs together. Everyone clapped as the two kissed for the first time, as spouses.

It had been done. Y/N had literally gone through Hell, fought off evils, dealt with family troubles, and fell in love. Now he experienced pure bliss and a forever connection with someone else.

The two separated and gazed at each other, now together. No more fighting. No more imminent danger. It was just their family. It was just them.

And that was enough.



I know its short, but I didn't want to put a lot of filler in it. I will say, if you guys want, I will create a third book. There's still some unanswered questions that still need to be answered, so they'll be an actual reason for it. It may be a while before it comes out, but if there is enough demand, I will get back to it. I just want to say thanks for reading this, and thank you if you've read the previous. But for now, enjoy your happy ending. You've earned it.


Corrupted: New Life (Male Reader x Charlie) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now