Midnight Snack

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Over Pentagram City, something flew. A being with midnight wings and two dark horns, protruding from the skull, and charcoal cracked skin to cover it all. Y/N flew out of the city, with no one seeing him luckily. He flew until his saw a town he never saw before. One that only had a population of 3,000. He hovered above the town, as more and more of his grip on himself lessened, and the monster was about to take over.

'No, there has to be a town full of pedos or something. Something where people aren't innocent. I know I'm in Hell but so is a bunch of innocent and kind hearted people' Y/N thought, thinking of Charlie and perhaps maybe more people that were truly nice in this scarlet plane. But by the time the thought was finished, it was too late. Y/N was a passenger, and the demon took over. He flew down, right through the tallest building in the city. It cratered towards the middle, then collapsed, killing hundreds immediately and waking others up as the dust filled the streets. Rubble bounced along the street, destroying cars and other buildings. There was no way out of this now.

Many citizens of the disturbed city that were still alive looked out to see the source of this disturbance. They saw a figure as the smoke settled. Huffing and puffing, ready to jump at anything that moved. The people had formed a crowd at this point, and they pushed one guy forward to investigate. He slowly walked into the smoke, before the figure moved and blood splattered around it. The people were shocked. Suddenly, the man's torso with a sunken skull exposed and half a torso, only containing with muscles clinging onto a blood stained spine flopped in front of them. They gasped and shrunk in fear as the figure approached them, blood dripping from his lips down to his chin. The angry ones stepped up clutching their weapons, ready to strike and defend their home.

Y/N snarled, licking his teeth like a predator entering a field full of prey. He lunged forward and started attacking. Left and right, bodies flying and blood spouting in all directions. A man try to come up with a spear. Y/N dodged the attack, grabbed the spear and snapped it in half. He then took the two pieces in each hand and stabbed the demon in the shoulders deep, and twisted the sticks. The attacker howled in pain and Y/N kicked him away as he continued to fight the herd.

One person, female by the looks of her, held two knives, ready to defend her home. As Y/N lunged at her, she swiftly dodged and got a good swipe on his leg. Too bad the knives didn't really affect him. He grabbed her and threw her up against a nearby wall. He took her two knives and stabbed them right through her shoulders, pinning her up. She screamed in agony as the wall behind her began to get a new coat of color.

The herd behind him tried to attack, and save this girl, but it was of no use. Y/N blasted them back with a simple energy burst. Most of them landed on the ground, or against a pile of rubble, getting a few scrapes but nothing serious. There were some unfortunate souls however, getting impaled by rebar sticking out of some ruble, and others going through windows and getting so many cuts in so many important areas they bled out to death.

Y/N then returned to the girl. She was sobbing, begging for mercy. "Please let me go" she shakily got out, her voice barely understandable from all the tears coming out. Luckily, Y/N was happy to let her free. He grabbed the knives and pulled down. Hard. In one quick motion, he ripped through the bone, muscles, and tendons, slicing both of her arms off. She wailed in more pain, and eventually passed out as she landed on the ground.

As others saw the brutality and sick nature of this beast, the weren't sure if they still wanted to fight. They could run away, hopefully escape this massacre. But no, they weren't going to let some murderer come in and ruin their town. They were going to fight until their last breath. Y/N would hold them up to this promise.

One by one, he fought his way through all of them. A trail of slaughter following his bloody footprints. Husks of former demons laid about, reaching for safety but never getting its warm embrace. One demon tried to crawl away behind some rubble, but after seeing the monster turn his way, he knew he was a goner.

"Come on!" He said, trying to shout at the monster, while also shouting at himself, trying to make it out alive.

Y/N walked over and grabbed him by the neck, and lifted him up. He used his other hand to reach into the demon's mouth and rip out his tongue. The demon screamed in pain, but the gurgling of blood took over. Y/N then put him down on his back. He reached into his chest, breaking more bones and ripping through more muscles, and pulled his ribs up. Now this demon has died, with a ripped out tongue beside his body, and his ribs poking out. Y/N felt satisfied, yet something else nagged at him. Yes there was carnage, but he needed something more. Something BIG. He flew up and prepared for one last motion to answer his hunger.

As he floated in the air, Y/N had no idea what he was going to do. But as soon as his body started to descend very quickly, he had a pretty good idea. And it wasn't good.

Y/N smashed into the ground, creating a large crater. He stood up and proceeded to lean over and punch the ground, over and over again. He did it until a small crack appeared in the ground. 'Shit' he thought, suspecting what was going to happen was actually going to. He hoped he was wrong, but what he was seeing was just confirming his fears. Y/N gripped his hands in the crack on opposite sides and began to pull. He pulled with all his strength, his veins bulging as if they were going to burst. He pulled and began to scream. After a couple of seconds, what he wanted to achieve happened. The ground split open, being a width of a football field, and the crack began to grow.

Destroying anything in its wake, whether it be buildings or people, it's obstacles would cease to exist. It went throughout the entirety of not just Pentagram City, but all of the Pride Ring.

And after the crack went around the ring, Y/N flew away and he got partial control. He was able to steer himself to the hotel. Well, almost. He crashed landed right behind it, and his hunger for right now had been satisfied.


After regaining himself after his crash landing, Y/N limped into the hotel from the back entrance. He groaned as he shut the door. He went up to his room and immediately flopped on the bed. He knew what it just did would affect a lot of lives, and would cause a lot of commotion. But right now he didn't care. He just wanted some rest, and he was about to get it. He dozed off as the ever looming chaos in the near future was rapidly approaching.

Corrupted: New Life (Male Reader x Charlie) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now