Everything Happens for A Reason

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Y/N arrived back at the hotel, and everyone was chilling in the lobby. Alastor was enjoying the fire, whilst reading a book. Vaggie, Charlie, and Nifty we're playing some kind of board game, and Husk was sitting by the fire, drinking whiskey. The corrupted demon snuck by without being noticed, until he hit the elevator button and it dinged during a moment where everyone went quiet. They all looked at Y/N, who stood awkwardly by the now open elevator doors. 'How convenient' he thought.

"Hey! You're back. Where's Angel?" Charlie said, getting up and running over to hug her boyfriend.

"He, uh, got caught up in some work. I'm not sure if it was required or not, but he said yes anyways" Y/N replied quickly, hoping the lie was believable enough.

"Oh, great" she said not that enthusiastically. She never liked him working there, with the whole redeeming thing being a lot easier without him constantly working at the top porn place in Hell.

"Wait, why were you sneaking up to elevator" Nifty asked loudly, wondering why. Y/N gritted his teeth.

"Yeah, why were you trying to sneak past us?" Charlie asked, folding her arms.

"I just didn't want to ruin the scene. Everyone seemed so enthralled in their own experience that I didn't want to disturb that" Y/N said, getting tired of shitting out lies and throwing them to the wall, hoping they would stick.

"Well, stop. You don't ruin anything, I thought we already got over this" Charlie said, letting her therapist self slip thought a little bit. She offered her hand, and Y/N took it, trying to appease to her instead of creating a web of lies for him eventually to be trapped in.

Her and Y/N then walked away from the elevator and to the lobby area where everyone was. Y/N sat on the couch and watched the girls play their little board game. It was a mix between Monopoly and Clue. Someone died and it was up to the people left in his will to take the money and business the recently deceased had and use it to gain massive capital. Y/N looked over at the box cover and saw it was called Inheritance, with murder and black market deals illustrated on the front. Interesting. He decided to just watch, as the game continued.

After an hour or two, the game had finally ended. Nifty, after thought to be in dead last the entire time, somehow pulled ahead at the last minute and won. She grinned harder than she ever had before. Charlie, Vaggie, and Y/N just chuckled, enjoying her enthusiasm. As the corrupted demon with a ring in his pocket watched, he noticed the scene he was in. Not something elegant or perfect, not something hellish or evil like initially thought when he first landed here a year ago, but something familiar. Something he needed. Something he once had, but had lost long ago: Family. He smiled, realizing he was apart of theirs, and they were apart of his. He knew now he didn't want to leave, he wanted to stay. And the ticket to that, was in his pocket.

'Better now than later' he thought before putting his hand into his pocket and looking up at his love.

"Charlie," he stated clearly. She looked at him with a "Hmm?" Escaping her lips. "It's been around a year since I've first landed here, and I just want to thank you," he continued, trying to find the words to lead into the action that would change his life forever, for the better.

"Aw, you're welcome!" She said cheerfully, before she decided to add on to his statement. "You've helped us a bunch, we've helped you, we've done crazy stuff together! Yet you always feel the need to thank us. We should be thanking you" she said, reversing the statement onto her boyfriend.

"Yeah, I do my best for you guys. I'll always try to. And I want to keep doing that. Especially for you Charlie" Y/N said, his heartbeat going a little quicker, consciously knowing the moment was coming to.

Charlie, however, didn't. She just smiled and listened to her significant other. Vaggie knew immediately and took her phone out to record secretly. Angel was about to ask about it but she quickly shushed him.

Alastor looked over from time to time, assuming they were just exchanging each others care for the other, and nothing special. But, the longer they spoke, he payed attention to Y/N's words, and realized where it was heading. The Radio Demon immediately put the newspaper down and watched intently at the scene, ready for its grand climax. Followed by either a grander finale, or a lowly epilogue.

Y/N swiftly got off the couch and onto one knee, now facing Charlie. She immediately went wide eyed and began to realize what was going on. Y/N pulled out the box, his hand slightly shaking.

"I'll be here for you Charlie, I can promise that for certainty. But I want to do more. I don't just want to help you eternally. I want to be there with you, at every moment in your life. Call it corny, but I don't want to miss a second with you," he said, placing his other hand on top of the box, getting ready to open. Charlie already had her hands on her mouth, slight tears in her eyes and a blush on her face.

"Charlie Morning-." Y/N began, but Charlie had already tackled him and hugged him tightly.

"Yes! Yes! A million times yes!" She said, as she showered him in kisses. Y/N smiled, and a breathe of relief came out. He then looked at Charlie when she wasn't peppering him with her lips, and rammed his into hers.

Angel did a 'throw up' sign before heading over to the bar to get something. Vaggie smiled so brightly, so happy for her sister to find her true love. Alastor looked on with intrigue, wondering how Y/N and the princess' life would blossom as a married couple.

Y/N and Charlie kissed. They stood as their mouths connected with one another. Their heads tilted and the arms moved around each other as their tongues went past each other.

The moment of rejection: a complete fabrication of fear. Now was a time of rejoice and love. Of passion and triumph.

Even though her answer was most likely, it didn't stop Y/N from fearing the impossible. But that was in the past. Now he was enjoying his love, the taste of her lips, the passion her tongue gave him, and the immense warmth their bodies gave each other.

This moment of pure bliss lasted only a minute, but felt like a lifetime. And Angel was the one to break it up.

"PARTY TIME PEOPLE!" He said, before popping a champagne bottle and spraying it over the couple. They stopped and starting laughing and Angel's craziness. They looked at each other in the eyes, finally together. They hadn't been officially married yet, but they were right there. At the gate of being bonded.

As their eyes locked, Y/N realized the most peculiar thing. He was sent down to Hell for a reason. Not to experience torment for any sins he committed on Earth. Not to follow in his dark families plans. He was sent here to help, to love, and to become. He was dragged down here to help this group of has-beens, to fall in love with a princess (as fairy tale like as that sounds), and to become part of a true, loving family. He was given what he had lacked, and he enjoyed every second. He thrived in the present, the amazing life he was living now, but his mind wandered to the future. Wondering what would come next.

It would come, but Y/N wasn't going to wait around. That would be a future Y/N issue. Now was to enjoy this family he was now apart of.

Now, onto the whole planning a marriage thing.

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