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The two powerful demons entered the lobby to see Angel trying to flirt with Husk. Then Y/N saw Vaggie and Charlie in the office, and as he turned his head fast enough, he could barely see Nifty scampering on the ceiling, somehow staying up long enough before she had to find something to stand on. Charlie and Vaggie exited the office and had concerned/slightly shocked faces when they saw the two.

Alastor didn't look much different. The blood blended in with his suit. There were however a few loose threads here and there, plus a bit of a blood splatter on this side of his face.

Y/N on the other hand, looked like Carrie. Head to toe, covered in blood. There was just enough space to see his eyes and mouth through the dripping and dried blood.

"What did you guys do?" Charlie said, in a menacing tone, getting everyone's attention. She hated when she find her boyfriend covered in blood. His own or not.

Y/N said nothing. He did however pull something from behind his back and threw it onto the floor of the two girls in front of him. Reaper's scythe.

It took a second to register, but everyone got the picture.

"Oh shit" the girls said quietly, except Nifty, who was already on her way to clean the blade.

"WOAH" Charlie said, picking up the maid.

"But it's dirty!" Nifty said, and Charlie sighed.

"Yeah, I see that. It's just, be careful ok?" She said, and Nifty gave a little nod before vigorously wiping the curved blade.

"He's dead then?" Vaggie said.

"Yes indeed" Alastor said grimly.

"Hey look carnage fucker, you're on tv!" Angel said, pointing towards the recently added tv above the bar. Husk looked up and saw this, and groggily grabbed the remote from under the counter and turned up the volume.

"Well it seems like this old warehouse belonged to the infamous Reaper!" Katie Killjoy said, as footage showed a decaying warehouse. Footage then showed of Reaper's remains/dust.

"Yup, and if you get off to blood and guts, get ready for this folks!" Tom Trench said as he hit a button, showing footage of all the ravaged apart bodies.

"Fine work" Alastor whispered to Y/N. And while it did make him feel a little better, right beside him the occupants of the hotel gave mostly an opposite reaction.

"Hold my shit, you did that kid?" Husk said, commenting on Y/N in what seemed like forever.

"It's what I do" Y/N said, trying to sound comfortable with his deadly hobby, if you could even call it that.

"Damn Y/N..." Vaggie said, not approving or disappointed, just a monotone statement.

"Well, they were working for Reaper" Charlie said, defending Y/N's carnage.

"But he still created a bloody scene for everyone to see. Charlie, I'm not mad about how he dealt with them, I'm just afraid that they're gonna figure out who it is, then put it on the hotel or something" Vaggie said, finally voicing her thoughts.

"I said this once, and I'll say it again, I can leave anytime. I can go away for a little bit in case things get a bit rough here" Y/N said, not wanting to negatively impact the hotel in anyway.

"No, you are staying here. One because I said so, and two you are a great bodyguard" Charlie said, hugging her boyfriend.

"A bodyguard? Like an official job?" Y/N asked.

"Well.... More of a help your friends out kind of thing" Charlie said.

"She's saying you can't work for the hotel officially if you're fucking her" Angel said, a little bored from this serious conversation and decided to do whenever that happens, bring up sex.

"WE AREN'T HAVING SEX ASSHOLE" both of them said, irritated. They then looked at each other and laughed it off, bringing some release to the tension The Radio Demon and The Corrupted Killer drama that had occurred and was now on the news.

Then Y/N remembered and went to talk with Alastor.

"Hey Al? Could you hunt down Hayden?" He asked Alastor, hoping he would say yes.

"Hayden?" Charlie and Vaggie asked.

"Long story, but in short, he hired Reaper" Y/N explained before Alastor answered the corrupter's original question. Charlie and Vaggie were still a bit in shock from the fact that Reaper was hired, not just doing it himself.

"Of course, and this little deal isn't even that. Call it On the House!" He said, before picking a book out of thin air and began reading it.

"Woah, but why not a deal or an exchange like you normally do? There's always a catch" Y/N pointed out, noticing the Radio Demon's somewhat nice tone and giving mood.

"Well, he has caused me some damage as well...." Alastor said as his sentence faded into a foreboding tone, and static filled the air, but as soon as it started in full, it went away as Alastor calmed down.

"So hunting this 'Hayden' fellow down is slightly personal" He said, before teleporting away, presumably to find the real mastermind of this disaster revolving around Y/N. He looked around and saw everyone get back to their regular stuff, except Charlie, who was nowhere to be seen.

Y/N sighed with every inch of movement he preformed, his body sore as he approached the elevator and went up to his floor. He exited the transportation box which needed some maintenance and he opened his door and laid on his bed. He looked up at the ceiling, just taking in nothingness for once. Sure, nothingness majority of the time was terrible. But after going through so much shit, some nothingness is what Y/N needed to calm his mind. He began to drift asleep but suddenly heard someone in the room, footsteps approaching. He sat straight up just to see the Princess of Hell getting on the bed and immediately hugging the tired demon.

"Jeez Charlie, I thought you were gonna attack me or something" Y/N said, glad he didn't put on full defense mood.

"Sorry, so rough day I'm judging by how you're walking" she said, and began to rub his calf as a way of releasing the soreness.

Y/N took a quick and sharp breath of air as she hit some really sore spots, but motioned her on to continue. "Thanks Princess" he said, as he tried to even his breathing as she kept rubbing.

"No wonder you were so slow, I can feel how tight you are!" she said, as her fingers identifying the tension in the muscles.

After a couple more minutes Charlie stopped her massage and the two just laid there, happy to be in each other's arms.

Corrupted: New Life (Male Reader x Charlie) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now