Ring Ring

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Six Hours.

That's what Y/N needed to recuperate.

He awoke as his body ached. From his fight, and the collision with Hell's boundaries. He got up groggily and looked in the mirror.

'Damn' he thought, noticing the damage he took. He put a new shirt on, realizing the one he had was covered in dried blood and dust. He exited his room, and took a deep breath. Hopefully they wouldn't be too angry at him.

He arrived in the lobby as the elevator's gold doors slid open, revealing the large scarlet space, with everyone doing their own thing. Vaggie and Charlie were talking on the couch, Nifty was bouncing around the rafters, Angel was being his usual self at the bar, being seductive towards Husk, which wasn't really working, and Alastor sipped his tea as he read the paper, reviewing the media's interpretation of the day's events from earlier.

He stepped towards the group and as his silent steps weren't heard, he was getting deja vu from the last time the lobby was like this. He cleared his throat and they all looked towards him. Charlie had a bit of a shocked expression and got up to talk to Y/N.

"Hey! How are you feeling?" She said in a sort of cheerful tone, with a little bit of darker things lying under the surface.

"I'm a bit sore, but I've been worse" Y/N says, trying to move this conversation along and get it over with. Charlie noticed his stance and how uncomfortable he was, and she just solemnly responded.

"I'm sorry"

She hugged her boyfriend as he hugged her back, as he needed a good bit of comfort right now.

"So, how bad is the damage?" Y/N asked, unsure if what he caused had changed while he slept. He hoped it would be better than it looked, but deep down he knew it wouldn't be that way. It never was.

"It's still there" Charlie said, glancing behind her. The two walked over to the window as looked out as Vaggie and Alastor got up to view the broken sky.

"It's a marvelous sight. A true monument to your power" Alastor said, patting Y/N on the back. Charlie looked at him with a deathly stare. The Radio Demon simply chuckled as he continued to look up the giant crack enveloped across the crimson atmosphere.

"I still think we're in deep shit" Vaggie said, with her left arm gripping her right shoulder.

"Relax, I'm sure everything is fine, right?" Y/N asked, and no one answered.

Well, someone answered.

A phone rang out in the silence of the answer, and its presence was definitely heard. Everyone stopped and looked to the source which was in Charlie's pocket. She picked it up and saw the one who interrupted their conversation. Her face said it all.

"Fuck" was all she was able to get out before putting the phone up to her ear.

Y/N looked around at the others, who were all as equally confused.

"Hey...oh yeah? Um, where did you hear that?" She talked, her posture and voice clearly telling the others she was uneasy. The only one to figure out the called was Vaggie, who was deep in thought, pausing only for a moment to double check her detective work, realize it was wrong, and move onto the next suspect. She finally landed on one which left her face in a state of shock. Then fear. She looked over at Y/N.

"We ARE in deep shit" Vaggie said, solidifying her point. Y/N still remained unknown of who's bad size they had gotten on or angered.

"Listen, it was an accident...Oh you want to meet him? When? Now?!" The princess said shocked. Y/N began putting the pieces together, realizing that whoever called Charlie wanted to meet him, most likely for what he caused to occur in the sky.

"Alright, we'll be over. Uh huh. Love you" she finished and hung up. Those final two words easily narrowed down the caller, and it slowly began to make sense. She approached Y/N as his mind raced.

"Is it who I think it is?" Y/N said, his voice shaky. He knew the time would come eventually, but right after what he did. This was like walking in on your own accord to your execution.

"Yeah, my parents want to meet you. Now" Charlie said, and the horrifying truth became reality.

Corrupted: New Life (Male Reader x Charlie) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now