Meet Your Maker

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"You're sure?" Y/N asked with a shaky voice. 'Finally' he thought.

"Certainly" Alastor replied grimly, his voice slightly crackling with the darkness that danced with it.

"What's going on?" Charlie asked, as she stood up.

"Who's 'him'?" Vaggie asked, her defensive side getting raised up.

"Hayden, he's the one behind Reaper apparently" Y/N, running his hands through his hair. He began to walk over to the elevator. "I'll be back in a minute Al, gotta get some stuff".

"You're just gonna go with Al and that's it? We want to stick it to this asshole too you know!" Vaggie said, as their vengeance was getting bypassed.

"He's dangerous. Well, if he brought in Reaper then he's more dangerous and crazier I thought" Y/N said, right before the elevator door dinged. He stepped inside and took a deep breath. The most important confrontation he had ever had in Hell was about to happen.

After grabbing some clothes, a knife, and a bit of protective gear (because he wasn't planning on going crazy), he came back down to the lobby to see everyone but Nifty and Husk were all geared up as well. "What're you guys doing?" He asked.

"We're coming with you. We're not letting you go on a suicide mission, if this guy is really that dangerous" Charlie said, with confidence in her voice.

"No, no you guys can't," Y/N began, but Charlie stopped him.

"Are you trying to kill yourself? We already lost you once, I don't want to lose you again" she said, bitterness with a bit of fear came out in her statement.

"If I die, I can come back," Y/N said 'Most likely' he thought right after he said the beginning of his sentence. "You guys can't. I'm not risking that" he finished, not wanting to lose the great gift, probably the best people a place like Hell could offer.

"Well you're not risking it. We are. We can handle this. We handled Reaper" Charlie said, a bit naive but her message clear.

"This guy hired Reaper! I don't want to know the kind of power he has down here..." Y/N said, his anger rising a little bit.

'Down here?' Vaggie thought, noticing Y/N's phrasing and word choice.

"Well, I don't care. I can't let you go knowing what's on the other side" Charlie said, not wanting to lose what has already been lost before, and found by a miracle.

"Do you not have faith in me?" Y/N asked, trying to figure out what were all the reasons his girlfriend was worried.

"I do, it's just... I can't send you into the belly of the beast without worrying. If I go with, I might be able to do something to help" She responded, the princess's need for her boyfriend's safety.

Y/N sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Okay, fine" he finally said. Charlie looked happy, then went to a content state, knowing what they were about to head into. Vaggie looked suspiciously, noticing something was off about this whole situation, as if Y/N knew who they were dealing with.

"Hey, Husk and Nifty, could you man the hotel and make sure nothing happens, or if a client comes?" Charlie asked, as everyone began to walk out the door.

"You know the second shit ain't happening" Husk said, grabbing a bottle and swung it around, it's contents swishing around.

Charlie sighed, but just nodded her head. "Thanks!" She responded, and as the others went by, she shut the door, sealing their commitment on this revelatory mission. The Radio Demon opened his portal, and they all went through.

All of them stepped foot on the other side, ready to take on the unknown challenge that lied before them. Ahead was a giant warehouse, dimly lit by blue light from its exterior fixtures.

"Is everyone ready?" Alastor said, looking along the line of them. Charlie rolled up her sleeves a little bit, Vaggie tightening her hold on her spear, Angel making sure his gun is locked and loaded, and Y/N, looking at the warehouse with an unsettled look. He was ready physically for what was in there, but not mentally, or at least not fully. He shrugged it away, and nodded.

"Let's do this" he said. And the group went on.

They approached the side of the building, looking for an alternate entrance besides the main entrance. They eventually found one in the shape of a large air vent. Vaggie used her spear to pry the opening off, to be a bit more stealthily, and they all began to crawl through the ducts, balancing the weight very frequently in order to avoid noise.

As they crawled, they went over a few rooms. A lot of them were just storage: a lot of shelves with thousands of files on all of them. But there were some computer rooms with sad, disfigured demons that looked soulless, working on stuff. Their bodies lacking color, and the subtle movements and lack there of was similar to a husk of a once living body. They continued onward, until the saw an office in front of them, a long one with one executive desk at the back. Someone was sitting there, but rarely seemed to move.

"Screw this" Y/N muttered and kicked the vent cover open. The others had their mouths agape, with reasons stretching from "Why would he do that?" And "The idiot's blown our cover". They shrugged and decided to jump down and land beside Y/N. They looked upon the desk in front of them, the lights casting a vast shadow onto the man there.

"You made it. Wondering when you would show up" the man at the desk said, his veins now glowing red. The only thing that lit up his figure.

"How could you do this? Why?" Y/N said, his rage no longer hidden. The others looked on with curiosity.

"Why? Because how else was I going to get you to join us?" He said, and stepped out from his desk and into the light. It was a pale, lanky man. Almost resembling a human, but one who had became one with the evils of the world. His veins continued to flow red, as his nearly light gray skin was so thin and bright it revealed them all. Hayden, in all his glory.

"How do you two know each other?" Vaggie finally said, asking the question that had been on everybody's minds.

"They don't know?" Hayden said with a creepy smile, astonished by the secrets Y/N had been keeping while he was down here. "He's my boy" he said, and the room went quiet for three seconds.

"What?" Angel, Vaggie, and Charlie said, looking at Y/N. Alastor didn't respond verbally, but his face was very intrigued by this revelation. Before Y/N could respond, Hayden pulled out a remote and pressed a button, dropping the floor beneath the Hazbin group. Y/N jumped out of the way just in the nick of time.

"I'm gonna kill you" Y/N said, anger seething out.

"Well come on then. Spill your own blood" Hayden replied, pulling out a karambit.

Father and son looked on at each other, before advancing. One quick movement of Y/N's iris, and the fight begun.

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