Welcome Back Nightmares!

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Y/N was in a vast empty space. He sees before him a shadow figure. They grab Y/N and drop him into a pit. The figure laughs and Y/N spins around in the air as one name echoed through his mind: Hayden. Once he was situated, Y/N saw that he was falling onto spikes. Three impaled his torso and one or two in his limbs. He began to bleed as his entire body burned. He saw above the Hazbin Crew shoveling in dirt to the pit he was in. This was his grave. He screamed for help, but only blood bubbled out of his throat. His eyesight faded, and his heartbeat slowed until nothing...

Y/N jumped out of bed after his nightmare, not expecting one of those since he didn't have one after he was reborn. He wiped the sweat off with his forearm, and realized he left a blob of sweat on the bed. He took his sheets off and put them in a basket to take down to the laundry later. He went into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. His pupils were dilated and the white that you could see was bloodshot. He grabbed a washcloth and wet it under the faucet, before cleansing his face. He looked back at himself after wiping his face and even though the eyes were kind of bad, he didn't look like he was dying so that was a plus. His stomach growled as he left the bathroom, realizing that he was hungry.

"What time even is it?" Y/N said roughly, before grabbing his phone to see it was 1:03 AM. He sighed, rubbed his eyelids before putting on some shorts and heading out. He walked into the hall and clicked the button for the elevator. Even in the gold color elevator doors that were smudged beyond belief, he could still see the monstrous state of his eyes.  'I wonder if they have eye drops here... Of course they do, there's demons with twenty plus eyeballs here' he said, remembering seeing a few of those creatures while going around. The elevator finally arrived, and he proceeded to get in, and descend to feed his hunger.

Arriving in the kitchen early in the morning was a bit of an odd experience for the corrupted demon. He had been used to getting a midnight snack once in awhile in his mortal life, but getting something in this odd zone of morning and night was somewhat unnerving. Even though he had literally been through Hell the past couple of months, there was still something new to come up and creep him out. The ambience of the hotel with the faint moaning of an Angel Dust in the background was something to react to deeply. For Y/N, it was a bit unsettling but his hunger took over and so he went to the freezer and grabbed something that would be quick to fix and not too much of a hassle to clean. Waffles. He popped two into the toasted and waited for them to rise up. They did with a 80's horror jump scare sound because apparently Charlie got her appliances from her Dad. He grabbed them and began to much. He quickly ate them and then noticed something. His hunger level hadn't gone away. It had increased. He tried to think of more fulfilling meals but after a minute or two it dawned on him. It wasn't normal food he was after. It was the beast inside of him that was hungry.

He sighed, knowing what this meant. But this wasn't like the other times he craved chaos. This was something else. Something more, visceral. Something more untamable than what he previously had remembered of his times going berserk. He shrugged it off and proceeded to start heading to the top floor, then the roof, knowing it would be the easiest place to take off, then find a small city, and come back without drawing attention to the hotel. Sure they had a couple of battles on the front lawn, but nobody knew that the thing that killed the leviathan was living here. Of course there was rumors, but no facts were stated, luckily.

After arriving at the top floor, Y/N got onto the stairs and proceeded up until he reached a heavy steel door which he shoved open, now looking at the sky. Its crimson color spread all above him, as the sign from the hotel lit the area around him in a brighter red hue. He stood on the side of the building, ready to go. He remembered to take off his shirt so he wouldn't ruin it. He took a deep breath.

"Sorry Charlie" Y/N said, knowing she would hear about him killing people. Whether the news or Alastor, she would find out.

And then he took flight.

Corrupted: New Life (Male Reader x Charlie) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now