The Rulers

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"Oh SHIT!" Angel yelled, looking around, expecting Lucifer to appear out of thin air anywhere.

"Is he coming here?" Vaggie asked, being calmer than everybody else, already sort of figuring this out. She was still anxious, but she had gotten past the first wave of terror.

"Relax guys. We're going over to the palace" Charlie said, and Y/N's eyebrow went up as everyone else's nerves went down.

"Palace?" Y/N asked, a bit confused. He knew Charlie was a princess, but he didn't know how MUCH of a princess she was.

"Yeah, it's where I grew up. And it's where my parents live still. So, everybody ready?" She said nervously, trying to be optimistic about the whole thing by putting a smile on, but it's wasn't really helping.

"It would be a pleasure to go to visit Lucifer's domain" Alastor said, enjoying the idea of going to the King of Hell's quarters, and see remarkable things no other overlord or demon had accomplished nor imagined.

"I probably need to be sober when I head over there?" Husk groaned, knowing his first impression with the literal king of Hell should be under... better circumstances.

"Probably, yes" Vaggie said mockingly. She didn't even know how this place was still up with such oblivious people working the simplest jobs.

"Ah fuck it" he said, and got up groggily. He wasn't super drunk but he definitely couldn't drive in a straight line. Yet, years of experience made it look like on the outside, he was just a couple shots deep. In reality, it was a couple of bottles.

"Ok, let's do this" the princess said to everyone, and also affirmed herself in the process. The group headed out of the hotel and into the limo. Razzle and Dazzle hoped into the driver area and took off. Soon, they would be in the presence of Charlie's father, Lucifer.

After a very quiet car ride, the limo stopped. Uneasiness set in to all of its passengers. Razzle and Dazzle opened the door. Charlie stepped out first, being the least nervous one. Then followed by Y/N. He stepped out of the red, white, pink, and gold limo to see in front of him where Charlie had come from. A giant palace/castle structure was on display, all of its lights on and gates open, as if the building itself was eagerly awaiting Y/N's arrival.

He took a deep breath, and then looked at his girlfriend. He grabbed her hand out of love and comfort.

"Let's do this" Y/N said, looking into Charlie's eyes. She nodded and squeezed his hand, and they began to walk forward. They were shortly followed by the rest of the group, who were both nervous and intrigued.

They walked through the lush and crimson garden lined up the walkway to the front door. The bushes covered the sides and behind them sprouted twisted trees, their arrangement showing off a cone shape. They were odd and dark, but beautiful in a way. Their leaves had been artificially colored to white, which did make them pop more with the whole color scheme of the front yard. Their footsteps echoed through the pearly garden, speckled with red. They finally approached the steps to the front door. They ascended up, none dared to put their hands on the hand railings as they feared any interaction with the property could result in their death, or something worse. Knowing Lucifer, he would have a specific punishment for that.

They all were there, stuck. Frozen, looking at the large double doors in front of them. Charlie took a step forward. She hadn't been here for a while, but she was the most comfortable here out of all of them, so she decided to go. She knocked on the giant dark oak doors and stepped back. After a few seconds, the doors opened grandly, revealing the inside of the royals' abode.

Before the Hazbin crew laid the luxurious grounds of the King of Hell. Red velvet carpets created a path from the door and to the stairs, where the fabric continued. It laid atop a white marble floor, sparkling. Probably one of the cleanest things in Hell, either for desire of perfection, or to clean up a crime scene.

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