Rough Day Out

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Charlie paced in the lobby, trying to call her lover but getting no answer besides his voicemail.

"Vaggie! He still hasn't answered. I think it's too late. You think he killed," Charlie began but Vaggie shushed her.

"Hey. It's okay. If he did, that bastard deserved it. If he didn't, Encontraré a ese imbécil y destrozaré su puto cuerpo yo mismo!" She said with her anger quickly rising as the sentence progressed. Her outrage raising her off the couch.

Charlie was now the one calming down Vaggie, rubbing her shoulders and sitting her back down.

Suddenly, they heard the door shake. It opened. There standing with blood on his arms and bruises all over him was Y/N. Exhausted. With a bloody hammer in one hand.

He looked back and motioned for someone to come on. Delta slowly and cautiously walked through the door and just laid down on the carpet.

"ANGEL, WE NEED YOUR HELP MEDICALLY, Sort of" Charlie yelled as she ran to the tired girl, finally free from the torture.


"ANGEL" Y/N yelled and Angel ran out with a first aid kit.

He ran around the corner and saw the girl on the ground.

"She, uh passed out or, drunk, or just tired?" Angel said as he set the box down.

"What made you help?" Vaggie said shocked.

"When the dude who can't die yells at you, there's really not a way to say 'no'" he said and began doing the wrong things and Charlie just stopped him.

"Just take her to my office. Nifty will know what to do" Charlie said, and the little maid zipped right next to the body.

"Yep! I always do!" Nifty said, before her and the pornstar took the tortured girl to the princess's office, hoping to increase her health.

Now the two girls looked at Y/N.

"Did you?" Charlie asked. A simple two word question. It could be referring to a million things. Only answered by yes or no.

Y/N went right beside the door and threw and barely alive monster into the lobby. Tied up in the same rope he tied others up in. Y/N dropped the hammer, finally done with his work.

Vaggie's eyes went wide as she noticed who this guy was.

"Hector" she mumbled in a menacing tone before pulling him up and throwing him on the couch.

She began punching him, after entering the double digits, Charlie stepped in and stopped her. The amount of strikes to his body had already knocked him out.

"Thanks for holding back" Charlie said.

"It was close. But I decided it wouldn't be right if I killed him." he said as he looked at Vaggie, knowing if anybody was to kill him, it would be one of the people he tortured. He realized this as he was about to do his final swing. So he altered the trajectory and the mallet smashed right beside his head, creating a small dip in the ground.

"Woah now, he doesn't need to be killed" Charlie said, noticing where Y/N's eyes laid. Pulling Vaggie away from Hector, the princess looked into her ex's eyes.

"I won't. But he deserves punishment" She said, folding her arms.

"I know" Charlie responded, glad she stopped a possible murder in her hotel. She was surprised it hadn't happened yet honestly with all the chaos it seems to attract.

"I know the perfect one" Y/N said. "Alastor!" He yelled out, and a few seconds later, the Radio Demon teleported in with the company of static and red symbols. Distorting the environment upon his arrival to Y/N's request.

"What is it?" He said before looking at the half dead monster on their couch. "Who is this fellow? Looks like he's went through Hell! Ha!" Alastor said, providing his old school humor as always.

"He tortured innocent women." Y/N said bluntly, with a hint of grimness along with it.

Alastor's head tilted, anger in his system.

"HOW ARE WE GOING TO DISPOSE OF THIS VERMON?" The Radio Demon said glitchy.

"I'll leave that up to the master" Y/N said motioning towards Alastor, before heading over to the bar. Alastor creepily shifted his eyes towards the unconscious monster, who the Radio Demon was going to enjoy playing with. Charlie however stepped in and to put forth some restrictions on his punishment.

"Al, listen. This jerk deserves punishment, I know. But don't do anything resulting in his death. So, just don't have him dead when you're done with him, okay?" She said, hoping to be able to enable her no kill policy, she had doubts, but she had to start somewhere. She had tried to get through to Y/N but with his condition, she could give him a little leeway.

"That's fine dear. I'm just gonna drop him off somewhere" The Radio Demon said before grabbing Hector and lifting him up.

"Where?" Vaggie asked, confused on where he could take him for a punishment.

"Just a little old town on the outskirts of the ring" he said, then teleported. A minute later he returned.

"That should take care of that" he said, wiping his hands against each other.

"Al, what was so special about where you took him?" Y/N said, as he was shirtless laying across the bar as Husk poured expired liquor onto his wounds. He grunted through the pain, but his curiosity was a way to distract him from the burning of his wounds.

"Ah, just that they don't get a lot of attention," Alastor began, going to the window to look out at the city, enjoying the views every once in awhile.

"That's it?" Charlie asked, confused as to a lonely town could be such a punishment. Especially for the acts that the perpetrator did.

"There also might be a cannibal problem there" he said dryly.

"WHAT?!" Charlie, Vaggie, and Y/N said.

"Don't worry. I told him about it. Think of it as the most dangerous game. Of course it's not humans but it's exciting nonetheless" he said, relishing on the entertainment he would bring himself as he watched an evil person scurry their way to survive, only to know that they won't survive for long, and eventually their death would catch up and go for the kill.

"I said that he couldn't die from your punishment"
Charlie said, a little disappointed.

"Well if he's crafty he won't. And judging by his horrendous career he will survive for a little bit. He can leave the city at any time. So if he dies, it's his fault dear" The Radio Demon chimed, abiding to the princess's rules while also following his brutal assignment of tortuous situations.

"He does have a point" Y/N said as Husk's bottle emptied out, and there wasn't even drops left.

"It's empty kid. Now get the fuck off my bar" he said a little annoyed. He didn't want a bleeding demon on his bar, but knew what he had gone through. But there's so many other spots to lay down!

Y/N got up and put his shirt on, wincing in pain as his skin stretched and colliding with his wound. It hurt still, but less.

"I'm gonna eat. Then I'm gonna sleep. Make sure that girls okay" Y/N said in a tired voice. Going through all of that wore him out a good bit. He went into the kitchen and the girls went to taking as Alastor went up to his room. And Y/N would soon follow suit. He groggily rode in the elevator, struggled to open his door, and flopped onto his bed and went to sleep.

Corrupted: New Life (Male Reader x Charlie) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now