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The group arrived back at the hotel after their meeting with the ruler of Hell. They stepped inside the lobby and sat down, looking out the window impatiently.

"So, when's it gonna happen?" Angel asked, staring at the crack in the sky.

"I assume sometime today" Charlie said, tilting her head a little bit. Angel checked his phone.

"It's only 6:30? Fuck it, I'm not waiting that long to see a once in a lifetime event" he said, getting up and going to the bar, where Husk was already going to town.

"Is it shrinking slowly, or is it going to be in one big swoop?" Nifty asked, after staying silent for so long. Her voice popping out of nowhere made everyone jump a little bit.

"I don't know. Y/N?" Charlie asked, wondering if he knew the answer since he got a bit more time with her parents.

Y/N was deep in thought about the near and far future. He knew within the next few days his life and Charlie's would change forever. He kept going through scenarios in his head; the perfect moment, the exact way to do it. He also pictured what would happen if he messed it up, and while some were better than others, they all weren't pretty. As Y/N pondered the future, it took Charlie's hand on his shoulder to snap him out of his day dreaming.

"Hey? You alright?" Charlie asked, concerned about her boyfriend. He shook his head and got back to reality to focus on the 'now' instead of 'what's to come'.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, what did you say?" Y/N asked.

"I asked if my parents said anything about how long it would take to seal the crack?" The princess said, curious about the damage done above them and its near resolution.

"No, they just said they would handle it" Y/N said, and on cue, an eerie static rang through the air. Alastor pulled out one of his radios and placed it on the coffee table, and turned it up.

"Hello demons and sinners. As you may have seen, a bit of damage has occurred in the Pride Ring's atmosphere. Not to worry, as shortly it will no longer be a landmark to remain," Lucifer stated over the radio, as he was broadcasting his message across Hell.

Angel came over to the noise and got bored very easily.  "I wanna see the Apple Pimp, not this boring shit" Angel said as he grabbed the TV remote. It suddenly exploded in his hand, buttons and plastic flying everywhere. He turned to Alastor, who had a deathly stare and a closed fist, furthering his evident hate of television. The Radio Demon only preferred certain types of media, and that was not it.

They looked outside as the announcement slightly faded out, and the screech of titans moving, and Hell shaking occurred. Up in the sky, the tear began to shrink in on itself, and Y/N realized how big of a problem this was. As it fixed itself up, it pulled Hell together. He didn't just tear a hole in between the rings of Hell, he tore a hole through reality. It continued to shrink, and it's white outer glow began to dim and fade. Rapid brightness and dimness would occur as the tear would shorten and become almost non existent. It was like it was demonstrating its heartbeat, in its final moments. After a couple more seconds, the tear had folded in on itself, and a giant wave of force blew out from the stitching together of Hell and blew back anyone who wasn't indoors. The buildings shook and foundations slightly cracked as the ripple hit structures. Anything not grounded, like cars, buildings with weak foundations, and people were blown back, and either stumbled over a little bit or flew a couple hundred feet. Entire buildings that were slightly built wrong were quickly ripped apart, and their remains scattered on the equally shattered streets below. It had been done. The tear had been sealed. And Hell felt the repercussions of Lucifer fixing Y/N's mistake.

"Woah" was all Vaggie said, in shock at the magnitude of power it took to fix something along the lines of this.

Y/N looked at it where the crack once laid, astonished by its disappearance so quickly. He expected it to be a multiple day process with how much of an issue it was perceived to be. Hell continued to surprise him.

The group walked away from the window, as the show was concluded. Angel went to the bar, grabbed a glass that may have been his or not, and went back to his room. Charlie, Vaggie, and Y/N went to the main area of the lobby, sitting down and relaxing after the stressing times. Nifty just replied with a simple "That was neat" before disappearing. Husk went back to his work station and used his area of expertise to get him passed out. Alastor, however, stayed at the window, continuing to look into the sky. He tilted his head from time to time, observing the vast difference in what it looked like from a few minutes ago to now.

He eventually did turn around and head up to his tower, with a smile on his face, like always.

"So, that's it? We're done?" Charlie asked, feeling a bit empty after the past year or so of their lives had been a constant train of chaos.

"Yeah, until Y/N decides to break something" Vaggie said, looking over at who she was teasing.

"Yeah. Next time I'll give you guys a heads up" he said, lightly punching Vaggie in the arm. She, in return, punched Y/N in the arm, with little to no pull back. Y/N flinched and chuckled. "Damn, I thought I was getting on your good side" he said, rubbing the spot where she had just punched.

"You are. If you weren't, it wouldn't be just a punch heading your way" she said with a smile. Charlie looked at the two and just grinned. She knew how protective and resistant her ex was, especially to men. And to see Vaggie bonding with a male who happened to be Charlie's boyfriend, it was like magic to her.

"It's nice, you know," Charlie said, causing the two to look at her. "To have good times without a looming threat over us or one to arrive suddenly" she said, and the two nodded.

"Yeah. I'm tired of all that crap" Y/N said, leaning back in his chair.

The trio spent the night enjoying each other's company and sharing stories. The fireplace lit their faces as they all slept, for the first time in a while, peacefully.

Corrupted: New Life (Male Reader x Charlie) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now