After a Precursor

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Y/N woke up groggy and sore. He leaned up and put his back against the headboard of the bed, trying to get himself stable before getting up for the morning. His eyes focused on the details of the room. The scratches, the aging, the slight tear in the corners. Y/N was here, awake and present. He got up and instantly all of his muscles groaned in pain. He slowly walked over to his closet and he put on some clean clothes. Y/N then went to the door sluggishly and opened it. He stumbled into the hallway and proceeded down it, his feet hitting the crimson carpet beneath them. And this was before he even met with the Hazbin Crew. 'Today's gonna be a rough day' he thought as he pressed the elevator call button reluctantly.

He arrived in the hotel lobby. The golden doors slid open to reveal everyone in the sitting area, watching the news. 'Great' Y/N thought. He crept by and into the kitchen where he as quietly as he could, open the cabinet door and get out a bowl for breakfast. He placed it on the counter, and went to go get the cereal. He opened the pantry door, which slightly creaked. Y/N mentally cursed, and looked over to the group. Their eyes were still glued to the television. Expect Alastor, who was sitting in a red velvet chair positioned very intentionally towards the window, where he was reading the papers and drinking some tea. He sighed in relief, before putting the cereal into his bowl. He then went to the fridge and got out the milk very delicately and began pouring. He took a deep breath as he held his completed breakfast in his hands, and saw that the Hazbin Crew had still not noticed him. 'Ah screw it' he thought, and decided to get this confrontation over with.

He approached with slightly loud footsteps, and eventually, Alastor eyes quickly leapt from the newspaper and saw that his fantastical ravager had awoken.

"Hello Y/N!," he practically yelled, getting everyone's attention and looking at him. "Get some good sleep last night?" He said, digging at the activities he had been through.

"No, not really" Y/N answered, looking at the group and then glancing at the tv. And yup, they were watching what he had done. A new report was being done on the decimated town, and he could recall every body on screen, and how they died. He shuddered, but then regained his composure and continued. "So. I see you guys are watching the news..." he said, alluding to the program they were watching.

"Yes...Y/N, why?" Charlie said. The rest watched as they watched the princess took charge. Y/N sighed and went on to present his case.

"I needed to do this" Y/N began, but Charlie interrupted him.

"To cause a giant crack in the ring? They say it stretches all the way across!" she exclaimed, her anger starting to seep through.

"No, I never meant to cause that! I tried to find a place that was filled with awful people, because I wanted it. It was so hungry, and I couldn't keep it down anymore. The pure raw power caused that. It was never meant to happen" he continued, partially ashamed of what he had done but he knew it wasn't his fault. Or at least not to him.

"So, it's getting worse?" she said, a little softer. She was starting to understand, but still uncertainty lingered.

"It definitively isn't getting better" Y/N said, softening the dark truth. Charlie walked up to him and sighed.

"Can we do anything for it? I know we've tried to figure it out, but is there some way we've missed?" she said. The destroyer in question sighed heavily.

"If we haven't found anything, there is probably isn't anything. Plus I kind of killed the dude who made me like this" Y/N said, accepting his fate, but wanting to minimize the fatality of it. Charlie nodded and hugged him, before sitting back down. Y/N came over and sat down beside her. They obviously changed what they were watching on tv, to something less personal.

"Hey Y/N, you wanna get a drink?" Angel said, trying to be a bit genuine.

"Know what, sure!" Y/N said, wanting to get this out of his system. As he and the pornstar walked over to the bar, a phone rang nearby. Alastor got up and went to it, as it was his special phone. It was in his tower, but he rigged up a system so he could hear it from anywhere within the hotel.

The two arrived at the bar, ready to relieve themselves of past trauma. "Hey Husky.." Angel said in a seductive voice. The bartender rolled his eyes but something stirred deep within him. It went unnoticed.

"Shut the fuck up," he said, and then he turned his attention to Y/N. "What do you need to drown your sorrows?" Husk asked.

"Vodka, and more like slightly waterboard" Y/N responded, and the cat got him his order. Y/N grabbed the glass and began to drink.

"Hey, Husk could you give us some privacy?" Angel asked, which gave Y/N a confused look.

"Fine with me" Husk said in his gruff voice, and grabbed a pack of cigarettes from a nearby drawer and walked out the door.

"Listen, I need to get some stuff off my chest. And you're the only one I really trust here" Angel said quietly. He hated showing his true self, but sometimes he just had to let some pressure out, or else he'll shatter entirely.

"Uh, yeah sure. What is it?" Y/N said, a bit afraid of what was going to come out of Angel's mouth, but curious at the same time.

"Work has been a bit more rough, and I'm just not sure how much more I can take"  he said, sighing and running his hand through his hair.

"You know, as you age, sex doesn't become as fun..." Y/N said, assuming the problem the pornstar was having.

"Not that dick wipe! I'm talking about Val, my boss. I've dealt with him for so many years yet for some reason recently, it's like I'm a fragile bitch!" He said, anger quickly erupting towards the end of the sentence. He still showed it in a hush manner.

"Everyone has their breaking point. Maybe you just need to take a break, cause I know you enjoy your job way too much to quit" Y/N said, as he took another sip of his drink.

"Yeah, you got that right. Ever since I got big in Hell, sex stayed in my blood. But taking a break? Val isn't the type to allow breaks" Angel said, thinking about the possibility.

"He's an overlord, right?" Y/N responded, thinking about how the porn star could handle this situation.

"Yeah. A real dick of one" Angel responded, clear resentment in his voice.

"Is there like something else you can do? Like a sex related thing for Val that doesn't require you to have to come in contact with him?" The other demon at the bar asked. He didn't want anybody to struggle, and in the porn business in Hell, Y/N didn't want to think about how bad things were.

"Maybe. I doubt it. I'll try. Thanks for the talk, anyways though" Angel said as he got up. He patted Y/N on the shoulder. Not a seductive touch like usual, but a sincere, friendly touch. Y/N chuckled internally. Seeing Angel's soft side was rare, and every time he saw it, the moments of truth were kind of funny when knowing who it was coming from.

Y/N came back over to the sitting area. Right before he sat down, a familiar radio static filled the air and Alastor appeared in the room.

"Y/N my dear fellow, I have splendid news!" He chimed, gripping his staff and walking over to the corrupt demon. His smile was getting ready, ready for carnage.

"What is it?" Y/N asked, a bit confused because he didn't know what could come out of Alastor's mouth when he was talking about something 'splendid'.

"I found him"

Corrupted: New Life (Male Reader x Charlie) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now