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Beep. That was the first the Y/N heard in the morning. His eyelids slowly separated as he looked towards the source of the sound. He saw it was his phone. He leaned over and picked it up, to see a text from Charlie. He sat up and rubbed his eyes before reading it. It said:

Hey Y/N, whenever you can, could you come down to my office, I need your help with something. Thanks!

-Charlie 💕

'Huh. Weird' Y/N thought as he began to get ready. He hadn't been in Charlie's office for a few months. Anyways, he got out of the shower, got dressed and headed down to the lobby to see what his girlfriend wanted his assistance.

He approached the door to her office when she heard her talking with someone. Y/N didn't want to look like a creep, so he knocked on the door instead of overhearing their conversation. The voices got a little quiet, before Charlie opened the door.

"Oh Y/N! Great. Come in." She said and he entered and she closed the door behind. Y/N quickly realized it wasn't just them in the room. He saw Vaggie sitting on the couch with a irritated look.

"No offense Y/N, but why are you bringing HIM into this?!" Vaggie said, wanting her problem to be in her personal boundaries. Y/N gave Charlie a strange look before she finally explained.

"Something's been bothering Vaggie for weeks and she won't tell me. We're just trying to help you" the princess said, trying to have her therapy session work.

"Well, somethings aren't meant to be talked about. I'm sorry if I'm sounding horrible, but I just don't want to bring it up" Vaggie said, rubbing her arm.

Y/N then approached Vaggie, kneeled in front of her, and put both of his hands on her shoulders.

"What are you doing?" Vaggie said, confused as long with the princess in the room.

"Listen, I had gone through so much shit in the past few months, getting so many nightmares, worried about the hotel and you guys' safety every second of every day. Then once I opened up about it, it all went away. Just tell us Vaggie, I promise it'll do you good" Y/N said, giving Vaggie a reassuring look. Charlie's ex smiled before taking a deep breath.

"Alright, I'll tell you. But this better not leave this room" she said, rubbing her temples, not believing she was about to spill the truth.

"Of course not" Charlie said, and got her note book and prepared to write.

"So, when people die, the way they died kinda stays with them to my understanding," Vaggie said, shuddering a tiny bit as she let herself reveal the skeletons in her closet. "And basically some dick took my eye and in the process I ended up here" she finished.

"Oh Vaggie..." Charlie said, and rubbed her arm. Y/N kind of stood there in shock, and a bit of anger. He didn't know why he was angry though.

"And now every few nights I have nightmares about him finding me because he definitely didn't make it to Heaven" Vaggie stated, before relaxing into the couch for comfort.

Y/N had enough.

"The place he took you to on Earth. What did it look like?" Y/N asked, rage boiling in his veins. But he hid it well enough to now draw any attention. Vaggie thought for a moment, trying to spill the information without spilling too much.

"Uh, it was some kind of shack. Don't remember it well" She said as Charlie continued to comfort her.

'A shack. Shack. Shack. Shack. Wait, could that be the one?' Y/N thought as he recalled traversing through Hell in his time. Out of all the skyscrapers and buildings he had seen, he only ever saw one shack. And that was when he was driving to Pentagram City when he first arrived here.

Y/N walked out of the room and slammed the door behind him, ready to give Vaggie some payback.

"Where's he going?" Vaggie asked.

Charlie shrugged, before running out into the lobby to find he had already left.

Y/N got a cab and went all the way to where it all ALMOST started. He went on that lonely road, the glue between two cities, connecting them by just a thread.

"This is good" Y/N said and payed the driver.

"Fuckin weirdo" the driver muttered as he took the money and drove off, leaving Y/N in a desolate plain. He walked to the shack, ready to fight anyone there, and if needed be, go crazy, because there was not much out here he could destroy. But then again, he did about cause a giant crack in the ground so maybe not.

He skunked to the side, back against the wall of the shack and could instantly hear someone quietly pleading for their life.

"Please, just let me go" he heard a female voice said, her sentence filled with sobs, tears of sadness and pain between every word. Every. Single. Word. Y/N was pissed at this point. Sure Hell was a bad place, but where you just torture random people for the heck of it, yeah it was like Hell's society at this point, but wouldn't stop Y/N from acting on it.

He bust open the door to realize the noises were coming from below. In the basement.

'Of course' Y/N said, quietly walking on the floorboards. Avoiding any creaks if possible. He made it to the door which led to the basement. He swung open the rotten door, it's hinges barely hanging onto the wall. He snuck down the stairs and saw what was happening.

A girl was tied up, blood pooling around the legs of the chair. The girl was a terrible mess, her brunette hair sprawled around the place, her teal skin color tainted with dried blood and bruises. The man who was torturing her had fur. Faded, dirty white fur. His face and body was scarred. Like he had experimented on himself to see the most painful spots to hit, as if testing on multiple victims wasn't enough.

"Today's a good day Delta! We have a new tool to try out! Aren't you excited?" The man said, with a sickening insane tone. Gleeful with malicious intent.

"No.." she whimpered, and the dude punched square in the face.

"Wrong answer." He said a little more from before going to the back and getting his 'new tool'.

Y/N quickly descended down the rest of the steps and ripped the ropes that trapped  the girl to the chair.

"What?" She said in a shocked tone, but quietly as her throat had been hoarse from days of screaming bloody murder.

"I'm going to get you out of here" Y/N said quietly, and for the first time in a long time, the girl smiled. Y/N grabbed her and began to walk up the stairs, but he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back. Then again. And again. He was getting stabbed. He lowered the girl onto the steps and punched the stabbed with such force he left an imprint in the wall.

"I was getting my hedge trimmer when I heard movement. That BITCH BELONGS TO ME!" He said with such anger and rage.

Y/N had lost it.

The corrupted demon ran at the torturer and threw him across the room, crashing into his rack of tools. He picked up the scalpel and threw it at the opposing force. Y/N caught it in his hand, pulled it out, his flesh slightly left out of his palm, and ran at the dude and stabbed him in the leg.

"ENNGHH" he grunted, and Y/N dragged down, destroying his right leg.

Y/N looked at the table, and saw a mallet.

He picked it up and began striking the torturers head. Smash. Smash.

The torturer had now glistening red in his fur instead of the dirty brown and black from his work. One more blunt hit to the head with Y/N's force and he was out. No more pain from him.

He raised it up high, his hands gripping the handle, preparing for the hardest blow yet. One that could go right through his skull and turn it into bone fragments.

The mallet swung down.

Corrupted: New Life (Male Reader x Charlie) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now