Almost There

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Y/N woke up groggily. He didn't know why he awake to begin with, but after a couple of seconds of pure silence, there was loud knocks at his door. He shifted up quickly, put on some shorts and looked through the door's peephole. It was Alastor.

"What do you want Al?" Y/N said through the door, thinking it was nothing big.

"I was just letting you know I found the little nuisance that disturbed our hotel multiple times!" he said, with his normal enthusiasm, but deep down you could hear how Alastor was ready to rip him apart.

'Reaper' Y/N thought, and immediately knew that this is where they could kill him. Maybe even get rid of his corruptness. "I'll be out in a minute" he yelled and ran to his closet to throw on some clothes.

True to his word, a minute later, Y/N exited his room fully dressed.

"Is the place heavily guarded?" the once hybrid asked.

"You can say that" The Radio Demon said as he opened a portal to a heavily armored fort, surrounded by tons of demons with guns.

Y/N then pulled a bag out of his pocket and gave it to Alastor. He opened it to see a few vials of demon blood.

"Be ready to use those when I'm done" Y/N said, and he rushed through the portal, ready to confront the demon who brought him here. The whole reason he was in Hell.

Alastor looked on with a smile, as usual. "This is going to get quite bloody quick!".

Then the portal closed. And chaos ensued.


Y/N as he ran towards the building began to transform. The guards on the outside quickly saw him and the alarms went off. However, it was too late. His hair was changing, his body was changing, his mind was changing, and by the time he was close enough to the building, he had fully transformed.  He blasted energy at the walls, easily cracking them. Some guards fell off the walls and landing in the rubble, with fear written on all of their faces. Y/N walked up and before the could run, he let his crystallized veins flow into their bodies, slowly filling up the room inside. Organs and blood spilling out in spurts before they were just husks. There was one who was crawling away though, one Y/N hadn't touched yet. It seemed like he had a broken shin, and so the corrupted maniac used this to his advantage. He flipped him over and his face was pure terror.

"Listen, I could open the gate, you could let me live, I just wanna survive PLEASE!" He screamed, knowing this moment would either result in him living for a long time, or become nothing in a matter of seconds.

Y/N grabbed the broken leg and began to shove it up, into the begging guard's torso, bones crackling, skin breaking and falling off, even more blood spewed out. And to top it all off, a few seconds of the demon screaming before it was too much. Then, Y/N finished it off by ripping the leg out, causing part of his chest to come out with it. He tossed it aside and walked forward to enter the building. Alastor, watching by, was enjoying the gruesome nature of this 'beast'.

The slaughter didn't end outside. Y/N busted through the wall and began killing every demon in sight. He ripped heads off, ripped fingers off and stuck them into eyes, and even ripped some limbs off and used them as temporary bats to hit people. He took the horns of one demon, and drove each one through the sides of her head until the met in the middle. The brutality was nonstop. Using his wings, he used them at full force, blasting back some guards so fast they hit the wall with a bloody splat, flattening their bodies and leaving an imprint in the interior walls. The used bullets, but while Y/N was in a corrupted state, that didn't matter. It was like splinters for him. Yes it hurt and they were annoying, but it did no major damage. So he trekked on, leaving a massive pile of bodies and weapons in his tracks.

Corrupted: New Life (Male Reader x Charlie) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now