Breaking Boundaries

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And of course when Y/N runs away from his current problems, he creates new ones.

Flying high above the warehouse where he slaughtered his own blood, he continued to rise more. Higher than he had every been, faster than he ever attempted. His rage and embarrassment fueled his quick ascension. He continued to fly until he hit something. It bumped him on the forehead, and hovered down a little bit to rub his head and seen what he ran into. The edge of the Pride Ring. With no logical thing, the beast within Y/N did what he always does: break things and rip them open.

'No, this can't work, can it?' Y/N thought as he flew back down, before rising up again with his fist out, and he punched the ring, creating a small crack. Something minor, no one would ever noticed. Y/N internally sighed in relief, but it didn't stop here. He took his claws and began ripping the ring's edge, exposing it to the Wrath Ring. It's barren, southern landscape peeked over the horizon, not seen by many sinners.

Speaking of sinners, almost all of the Pride Ring was seeing this. Demons and passed souls alike looked up at the chaos unfolding. They didn't know if it was an exterminator, Reaper, or something worse.

Back at the warehouse, Charlie looked up at her boyfriend, shocked at his immense power,  and fearing his safety.

"Al, can we get up to him?" The princess asked. The Radio Demon continued to look in awe, but shook out of it and nodded his head. Together, Charlie and Alastor began to ascend, hoping to stop Y/N before things were already too messed up.

Y/N had pulled it open the width of his wingspan, but that wasn't where it was going to end. He had one more trick up his sleeve. He reared back, connecting both fists together, and slammed down hard. The size of the crack had increased tremendously. It stretched thousands of feet in the sky, and it's width was like a gateway into another place. Charlie and Alastor looked up in horror at the damage done; so did the rest of Hell.

And admits the glowing crack in the sky, it's white gleaming edges providing great contrast against the red sky, was Y/N's body falling; unconscious.

"Oh fuck" Charlie gasped and rushed up on her own, to catch Y/N's body. With just enough effort, she was able to catch him. Bad news though, the force made her fall with him. They both fell in each others arms, quickly descending towards the cracked, dark red terrain. Suddenly, Alastor appeared under them and slowed them down and caught them. They descended back to group as Charlie had Y/N in her arms. "Come on, wake up...." She said, shaking him slightly. She didn't want to lose him. She couldn't got thought that. Not again.

They arrived back at the group, with Angel and Vaggie looking in shock at Y/N, then at the crack in the sky, then back at Y/N.

"Holy shit" Angel said in shocked voice. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. A torn veil, seeing the in between of the rings of Hell.

"Is he alright?" Vaggie asked, focusing on their friend before the situation that Hell was in.

"His arm seems to be beating, but he's still unconscious" Charlie said, rubbing her boyfriend's face. Alastor then crafted a portal to the hotel, and they all walked through, escaping the horror and shock for the day.

They arrived in the lobby, with a concerned Husk and Nifty awaiting them.

"The hell did you guys do?" Husk said, looking out the window at the remnant of the death of Hayden.

"Y/N broke a crack in the Rings of Hell. Most power I've seen from a demon" Alastor said, considering his time in Hell.

"Is he alright? Is he breathing? Do I need to start to clean his room?" Nifty said, zipping all over the corrupted demon's body. Charlie picked her up and sat her on the side.

"He's fine, I think. He just needs to rest" she said, and continued to carry him into the elevator. The elevator rose as every couple of seconds Charlie looked down at the body in her arms, waiting for some sign of movement, but nothing yet.

They arrived at his room and after struggling to open the door, she trudged to the bed and laid him on it. Charlie wiped her forehead, getting a little bit of sweat off and decided to lay down to, catching her breath. She looked to her left to see her boyfriend laying there, waiting to be awoken. After staring at him for a minute, she kissed his forehead as she got up.

"Please get better. I love you" the princess said, and left the room, giving Y/N the peace he needed.

Corrupted: New Life (Male Reader x Charlie) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now