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On Monday October 4th...

–––––——————–– BIANA HUFFED AS she entered her Arts classroom. Trying to find Maruca was like trying to find a needle in a haystack, and without a magnet at that. The sociable girl had far too many friend groups and hang-out spots to keep track of.

So Biana had decided to fuck it and go to Art class without her cellphone. Tam would have to wait: saving Keefe from Lady Belva was far more important, as he would say. She slid into her seat beside Keefe just in time.

"Hey," the blond greeted, a small smirk on his lips. "How did it go with Loverboy?" He teased, leaning back in his plastic chair as Lady Belva walked into the classroom.

Biana's lips instantly turned downwards in a scowl.

"Not so good then, huh?"

"Not good at all," Biana admitted, pressing her lips in a straight line as she remembered the way Tam had all but ignored her. "He really hates me at the moment."

Keefe frowned softly as he mussed his already-messy hair. "Why?"

"Apparently, after my 13 apology texts, I sent him something extremely rude and unforgivable. Unfortunately for me, I've lost my phone ever since I stepped foot in the school library." Biana replied dryly.

"So someone must have stolen it and sent Tam the rude message. After all, your password is beyond easy to guess." Keefe grinned teasingly.

Biana scowled, hitting his shoulder not-so-lightly. "Not true!"

"Are you kidding me?" He raised an eyebrow at her in disbelief. "Your password is literally BAV5."

"It's a weird password!" Biana defended herself, crossing her arms across her chest.

Keefes eyebrow went up further. "It's your initials and the last digit in your birth year." He pronounced slowly, as if Biana were dense.

"Stop bullying me," she pouted as a reply, not having anything witty to say.

"Ms. Vacker!" Lady Belva snapped from the front. "It seems like you are distracting Mr. Sencen from his work with your incessant chatter. Maybe with a new partner, you won't gossip as much."

Biana's eyes widened at Lady Belva's words; internalized misogyny much? It didn't occur to her that Keefe could be as talkative and distracting as her. Of course, Lady Belva had a blind spot for Keefe, so that must've been a reason why she hated Biana so much.

"Vivian Newton and Keefe Sencen, please switch posts." Lady Belva ordered.

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