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Friday October 18th once again...

–––––——————–– BIANA AND TAM had been working on their chemistry assignment for more than an hour. They had been working for around two or three hours, when Tam suddenly sat up and sighed loudly.

"What?" Biana asked curiously, setting her macbook down and staring at the boy beside her. Her teal eyes lingered on his frowning lips. "What is it?" She questioned once more.

Tam turned to face her, still frowning. "We've been working for over two hours now," he stated, but didn't elaborate.

"Yes, and?" Biana frowned too, not quite understanding why he seemed so dull and uninterested all of a sudden. "We've gotten a lot of work done, Tammy. Isn't that a good thing?"

He let out a loud sigh. "Yes, but I thought you would've wanted a break by now."

Now, her frown twisted into a sly grin. "Tamarind Rice Song," she teased, smacking him on the shoulder. "If you wanted to take a break, all you had to do was ask!"

"Yeah, and seem like a complete moron? No thank you."

Biana smacked him again, but this time it was way harder. "Are you calling me a complete moron? Not nice, Tammy. I should tell Linh about this."

"Do not!" He cried, which made Biana burst into laughter. As his frown deepened, Tam stared at her, accusatory. "You were never going to tell Linh on me, were you?"

"Nope," she grinned.

"Ugh," he groaned. "I hate you."

Biana's grin only grew. "As if— we all know you could never hate me. Now, I think it's time for a break! What do you think, Tammy?"

"Fuck yeah!" He cheered.

She glared at him, and smacked him for the final time. "Language," she reprimanded, though her lips kept twitching upwards like she was suppressing a smile.

Tam ignored her. "Let's go to the skate park," he decided, standing up from her bed, and holding out a hand.

Biana ignored the stupid fluttering of her stupid heart, and accepted his hand. "The skate park?" She repeated, lips stretching into a smile. "Really?"

"You're smiling," he told her as he opened the bedroom door. "Don't lie, you so want to go there."

"Maybe I'm smiling because it's so stupid," Biana retorted, a giggle escaping her mouth.

"Hey," Tam turned to face her with a mock-frown as they both travelled down the staircase. "I seem to recall you loving skateboarding and the skate park back in grade nine."

Biana's cheeks reddened against her will. "Shut up, no I didn't," she mumbled.

"It was cute, Bia, don't worry," he laughed at her embarrassment. "That was actually one of the reasons I— nevermind. Sorry I brought all that up. I keep forgetting you have a boyfriend now."

That was one of the reasons he asked me out, Biana finished in her mind. It had never been a complete secret that Tam was attracted to skaters. And Biana had been so head over heels for him three years ago, she had forced Keefe to teach her how to skateboard. When she was confident in her ability, she had skated to school and Tam had stared at her as if he had never seen her before. A few days later, he had asked her out, and they had begun their tentative but sweet relationship.

Unfortunately, it only lasted for a few months until the bitch known as Glimmer had ruined everything.

"Biana?" Tam prompted, and she shook herself out of the bittersweet memories.

"Sorry," she laughed awkwardly. "I was just trying to remember what I did with my old skateboard. I'm sure it's in the garage somewhere."

He grinned at her lopsidedly. "I was worried for a minute there. But that's great, because mine is on your front porch."

They each went to grab their skateboards— Biana taking a few minutes longer than Tam because Fitz and Alvar had made the garage a mess— and then met up at the edge of the driveway.

"To the skatepark we go?" Biana tilted her head to the side, glancing at Tam for confirmation.

"To the skatepark we go," he nodded with another grin. 

so this chapter is a decent length, lol

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so this chapter is a decent length, lol. there's gonna be another chapter for the whole skatepark scene-- where there may be a bit of drama but idk for sure yet. just know that it's gonna be good, and the tiana content y'all have been waiting for!!

anyways uh i hope u guys liked this chapter too. i know not much happened, but we do get *some* flashback-ish material, and a little hint of  what went down in gr 9 for tammy and bia. 

i'm also thinking the nik-biana break-up will happen in 3-5 chapters, so keep your eyes peeled for that! either way, broski's not really in the book (which is funny lol) and so i hope u guys are looking forward to that scene as well. 

please please please vote if you liked this chapter and maybe spam comment? please? i'll be writing the next few chapters soon and i know i need all the motivation i can get <33

anyways have a great day/night wherever u are :)

~ gigi <3 

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