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Still Friday October 18th...

–––––——————–– BIANA OPENED THE door to her house, smiling broadly as she came face-to-face with none other than Tam Song. He had two cups of coffee with him, one held out to Biana.

"I told you I would be here in a few," he smirked at her, and stepped inside the house.

Rolling her eyes, Biana quipped, "Yeah, just come right in, why don't you?"

"It's not like I need to be invited in," Tam made a face, stepping out of his black converse and turning to face her. "What am I? A vampire?"

Biana took a sip of her coffee, smiling as the sweetness overload hit her taste buds. "Mmm, this is really good." She mumbled to herself. To Tam, she added, "Gross? This isn't Twilight, you know."

"I was thinking more along the lines of 'The Vampire Diaries', but alright," he grinned lop-sidedly, automatically heading towards the spiralling wooden staircase.

Despite herself, Biana's lips twitched upwards. "Mmm," she tilted her head to the side. "Jeremy and Stefan are so hot."

Tam turned back to face her, making another face. "Seriously?"

"Seriously," Biana nodded, resisting the urge to laugh. As she shrugged, she added, "And so is Damon. When he's not being an absolute dick, that is."

Now, Tam groaned in annoyance. He stopped in his tracks— and in the middle of the staircase. "Why are you talking about other hot men when I'm literally right here? Unappreciative much?"

"Because, Tammy, they're so much hotter than you," she replied with a wink. Then she gave his back a light shove, encouraging him to keep climbing up the stairs. "Dude, come on," she huffed. "Hurry up and go already."

"I hate you," he grumbled, but did as she asked.

They entered her bedroom together, and Biana immediately grabbed her notebook and pencil case from her desk and then settled herself on her bed. She had kicked off her fluffy rabbit slippers, and was now lying down on her stomach. Tam hesitated for a few seconds, glancing between the rotating office chair tucked under the desk in the corner and the comfy-looking bed.

He walked towards the bed decisively, sitting down opposite to Biana.

"So," she started, looking up at Tam as she kicked her feet in the air. "What are we going to start with?" Uncapping a pen, she put the cap in her mouth and flipped the purple spiral notebook until she found an empty page.

"Maybe researching chemical warfare?" Tam said dryly.

Sighing loudly, Biana smacked his shoulder. "Obviously," she said with a roll of her eyes. "But what exactly? You know, there are so many things to talk about if we just go off of 'chemical warfare'. Did she, like, give us a specific set of instructions? At this point, even vague ones will do."

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