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Friday October 15th...

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@glimmer they hate me 'cause they ain't me

tagged; @bianaavacker

liked by stina_hex and 973 others

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@stina_hex hotttttt

→ @glimmer ik babes 😉😏

@stina_hex im in love with u ngl

—> @glimmer isn't everyone?

—---> @stina_hex well if they're not, they should be bc ur fine af

@sophie.foster bitch what

→ @glimmer nothing u need to concern yourself with blondie 😼

—> @sophie.foster this is why no one fucking likes you

—---> @thekeefesencen holyyyyy shit ik we're fighting rn but WOOP WOOP GO FOSTER GO

—------> @justmarella yass queen @sophie.foster

@tams_ you <<<

—> @glimmer aww don't be like that babe

—---> @linhs_ he is not your babe??? and he never will be???

—------> @justmarella YES MY LOVE U TELL HER <333 @linhs_

@thekeefesencen this is giving ye

—> @dexdizznee STOP IM CACKLING

—---> @fvacker idk what this means but i agree

—------> @marucacheb @fvacker (kan)ye has gone a little,,,, off the rocks,,,, and is treating his insta like a spam and likes to "call people out" including kim k, pete davidson, and our queen taylor swift for no apparent reason???

—---------> @fvacker ... im gonna pretend like i understood all that

@bianaavacker tagging me? really? this is the definition of fan behaviour 🥱💅

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more drama teehee!! im sorry but i love torturing all of u. actually yknow what im not sorry at all. i know yall love it too anyways. hehehe. 

soooooo glimmer has decided to post smth and give it a really shady caption and has the audacity to TAG OUR QUEEN BIA?!?!?! yeah. what do yall think of this? whats going on? whats gonna happen next? this is actually gonna be so much fun hehehe. 

also!! sophie has bia's back! but is it gonna last? who knows-- not me! but so does linh, marella, keefe, dex, fitz and (ofc) TAMMY. veryyyyyyyy interesting. also lowkey maruca but not exactly??? idk. 

anyways anyways. what was ur fav part of this update? ik not a lot happened but still!! maybe this question should be: fav comment on glimmer's post? lol. also,,,,, what do u think is gonna happen next? lemme know in the comments here!! 

i love u all so much. thank u for reading this chapter. speaking of chapter, though, chapter 26 has been *mostly* written so it should also be up sometime this or next week. stay tuned for updates! 

other than that, have a great day/night wherever u are besties :)

~ gigi <3 

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