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Wednesday October 13th...

–––––——————–– BIANA AMBERLY VACKER strode purposefully into the elegant restaurant. Dressed in a beautiful midi-length rose pink satin slip dress with a cowl neckline and a slit going up to her mid-thigh, she exuded an ethereal glow. Her shoes, while pump flats, clacked on the tiled floor.

"Alvar!" She grinned, showing clear happiness upon seeing her eldest brother. In her excitement upon seeing Alvar, she completely missed the fact that there was a pale-skinned beauty with dark hair at his side. Throwing her arms around him, she hugged him in a very un-Biana-like fashion. "It's so good to see you!"

Though he grunted upon impact, Alvar reluctantly wrapped his arms around his younger sister, hugging her back. "Yes," he huffed, pulling away, "it's good to see you as well." He then straightened his tie and now-rumpled blazer.

Biana only laughed at that. "Oh, Alvar..." She sighed. "Will you ever stop being so... so..."

"Meticulous?" Fitz put in, coming up from behind them. He and Alvar shared a 'bro-hug' and shook hands firmly. Turning to Biana, Fitz asked, "Have the Songs, Sencens and Ruewens shown up yet?"

Eyes widened in surprise, she exclaimed, "They're coming?"

"Yes," Alvar said in a clipped tone. He tugged at the edges of his blazer, fidgeting. "I have an announcement for you all. It only seems right for the entire group to be here."

Casting a quick glance at the aristocratic female behind Alvar, Biana's lips curved into a teasing smirk. "Oh? Does your announcement have anything to do with your lady companion? I don't believe I've seen her around before..."

"She's quite beautiful," Fitz agreed, grinning widely as he added, "So what's she doing with you, then?"

Biana and Fitz both burst into laughter, while Alvar glared at them. "I hate you both," he grumbled, but his mouth kept twitching upwards like he wanted to join in on the laughter.

Nearly ten minutes later, Biana and Fitz had stopped laughing and everyone invited had made it.

Catching sight of her Tam, Biana immediately bee-lined for him. "Tammy!" She squealed, throwing her arms around him and pulling him into a hug. "I missed you!"

He grunted when her skin touched his, and pulled away while wincing. Tam's eyes narrowed at Biana's giddiness. "Bia, what have you had to drink?"

She ignored him, realising that he had winced. "Tam, what happened to you? You're hurt, I can tell." She grabbed his hand, and examined his bruised knuckles. "Shit, Tam. You were in a fight?"

Though her gaze was disappointing, Tam only chuckled dryly. "What, did you not see the post on the tea account?"

"I did, I just forgot about it, okay?" She snapped, and then sighed. "Now tell me what you did."

He shook his head. "Ask your boyfriend about what happened. He's the one who owes you answers, not me." Then he walked away, leaving Biana to sputter incoherently in his wake.

Tam and Nik got into a fight? Her mind raced. Why? How? When? But she couldn't dwell on those questions for long, because Alvar called everyone to attention.

"Please, take a seat everyone," he gestured to the long table they had rented. Almost every single table in the restaurant had been put together to fit the large group. It was a good thing they had rented out the entire restaurant. "I'd like to make an announcement."

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑, tiana | hiatusWhere stories live. Discover now