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Again, still Monday October 4th...

–––––——————–– "BIANA AMBERLY VACKER!" Said girl's elder brother yelled in frustration, after chucking his phone at a nearby wall, as she cringed-- both internally and externally.

In the middle of the Vacker siblings, Keefe Sencen smirked ill-timingly.

"Chill, Fitzypoo," the blond smirked in his usual carefree way. He slung an arm around his brown-haired best friend. "Biana's old enough to make her own decisions now. You just gotta let her be."

On the other side of Keefe, Biana Vacker nodded eagerly. "Yes, please," she sighed with a roll of her eyes. "For the love of the Gods, let me be in peace."

"I would if you stopped doing these stupid, idiotic things." Fitz huffed, frowning, and promptly shrugged Keefe's arm off his shoulder.

Biana made a face. "You do realize that stupid and idiotic mean the same thing, right?" She pointed out, earning another snicker from Keefe. Biana elbowed him sharply in the ribs, effectively shutting him up. "Anyway, where's Soph and Linh and Tam and Dex?"

"Too many ands," Fitz reprimanded. "Your sentence doesn't make any sense."

"Oh uh," Keefe leaned down to whisper in Biana's ear. "Here comes the grammar police."

Giggling, Biana just had to agree.

Fitz shoved his best friend in response, sending him into a gaggle of girls.

Unfortunately, Keefe only smirked flirtatiously and started a conversation with a demure blonde. Her name was Sarah or Stella or something else that started with an 's'. By the Gods, Keefe really had a type.

"Keefe, stop flirting and get over here!" Biana yelled obnoxiously, her lips curving into a teasing grin as her friend scowled at her. "You wouldn't want your girlfriend to see you flirting with someone else, would you?"

Jogging over to Biana and Fitz, Keefe then huffed. "Sophie is not my girlfriend, Biana."

"Yes," Fitz put in, also grinning. "That's the problem, you moron." He reached over and messed up Keefe's artfully-styled hair.

"Now, now," Biana shot her brother a look. "Don't go using such big words, Fitzy. You know Keefe won't be able to understand."

The blond took offense to that. "Hey! I know what moron means."

"Do you? Oh, good for you, Keefe. You're finally expanding your vocabulary." Biana smiled condescendingly, like how one would smile and nod along to a child explaining something trivial.

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