
549 21 81

Still Friday October 18th...

–––––——————–– BIANA SCOWLED DOWN at her skateboard as she fell for the fifth time in the last fifteen minutes. "I hate this," she groaned. "So fucking much." Then, she aimed a kick at the board, and winced as the edge of the board hit her ankle— something she had not been expecting. "Ugh!" Biana threw her hands in the air and resisted the urge to stomp off.

Beside her, Tam only laughed at her pain. "You may hate this, but I love it. It's some top tier entertainment," he said with a teasing grin.

Glaring at him, Biana shoved him away lightly. Even though Tam was on his skateboard, he seemed to be in total control of the way he swerved gently. He was like a pro, taking Biana's shove as momentum to skate away and do a figure-8, and then come all the way back to her.

The brunette sighed. "Stop showing off, would you?" She grumbled, disgruntled at her lack of skateboarding skills. It had only been two years since their baby relationship had ended— how had Biana forgotten everything?

"Do you want some help?" Tam asked coolly, raising an eyebrow. He was not at all bothered by her irritation. In fact, judging from the small smirk resting on his lips, he quite enjoyed it.

"Fuck off," Biana mumbled.

Tam threw his head back and laughed.

He was still on his god-damned skateboard, Biana realised with a frown. He wasn't even paying attention to where he was going and, yet, he didn't falter even once. Biana decided that she hated it.

When Tam glanced at her again, his eyes shone. "I'm going to take that as a 'yes please Tam, I love you so much, you are my lord and saviour'." He told her.

"What the actual fuck," Biana snorted, and shook her head. "There's something seriously wrong with you."

"No you."

She almost jumped at the sound of Tam's voice right behind her. Somehow, without her noticing, Tam had gotten off his skateboard and was now standing right behind her. One of his hands reached for her waist, and Biana felt tingles up her spine at his touch. Tam grabbed Biana's hand with his other hand.

"Let's go," he told her with soft encouragement. "You can do it."

Her lips parted ever-so-slightly, and her throat ran dry, and all Biana could do was nod. The thrumming of her heart against her ribcage pounded into her ears, and she could only hope that Tam couldn't hear it.

Because that would be embarrassing.

And how would she be able to explain it?

Biana grasped Tam's hand tighter as she pushed off the ground with her left foot. The skateboard started to move forwards. Her heart beat faster and faster. She nearly squeezed her eyes shut, but forced herself to keep them open.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑, tiana | hiatusWhere stories live. Discover now