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Still Thursday October 7th...

–––––——————–– BIANA VACKER WAS faced with a horrible, horrible dilemma. It was either she go out the front door and turn right to go to Sophie's house, or go out the front door and turn right to go to Keefe's house. Both were her dear friends, and both had hurt each other.

The creak of a door drew her attention, bringing her out of her thoughts.

Fitz was standing at the top of the stairs, a few video games in his hands. "You too, huh?" He cracked a small smile as he walked down the stairs.

"Me too," Biana nodded, agreeing.

"You take Sophie, I'll take Keefe?" He suggested, tilting his head to the side.

Eyes trained on the games, Biana snorted derisively. "Good idea. I'm sure Soph doesn't like those violent video games."

Fitz gave her an offended look. "Untrue," he crossed his arms.

She simply rolled her eyes and pulled open their front door. "After you, Princess Prissy." She bowed exaggeratedly.

"Fuck off," He mumbled, but walked through the doorway anyways.

With that, both siblings went to their designated friends' houses.

Lifting up a hand to knock on the door of Sophie's lovely home, Biana was pleasantly surprised as the door swung open without her hand even touching the wood. On the other side stood Edaline, Sophie's adoptive mom, who looked very, very frazzled.

"Oh, Biana, thank goodness!" The elder woman exclaimed, a relieved expression finding its way onto her face. "I was just about to go over to find you. Something is extremely wrong with Sophie. Has she said anything to you?" Edaline's lips pursed into a concerned frown.

Biana chewed on her bottom lip. "It's just a little bit of teenage drama," she rushed to reassure Edaline. "I actually came over to see her. I'm sure it'll all die down soon enough."

That was a lie.

And she felt awful about it, Edaline was such a kind woman, but Biana knew that Sophie would not want Biana airing her personal business to her parents without her approval.

"Can I come in...?" Biana asked awkwardly.

"Oh!" Edaline nodded her head up and down in a startled manner. She pushed the door aside with her hip and moved so that Biana could come in. "And you already know where Sophie's room is. Just let me know if you girls need anything!"

Biana nodded, letting Edaline know that she had heard her words, and glided up the stairs to her friend's penthouse-like bedroom.

"Sophie..." She called kindly, her hand hovering against the door after a small knock. "May I come in?"

A few moments (and audible sniffles) later, something clicked behind the wood and then door opened.

A red-eyed Sophie stood on the other side of the doorframe, tears glistening on her cheeks. "Come on in," she mumbled, stepping aside so Biana could come in.

Once Biana was inside her bedroom, Sophie flipped onto her bed. "I hate him," she mumbled from her pillows. "I hate him so, so much."

"Shhhh, I know," Biana soothed, sitting down next to Sophie and running her hand through her blonde hair. "He said some awful things, it's understandable that you dislike him at the moment."

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