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Still Sunday October 10th...

–––––——————–– TO SAY THAT Biana was surprised when the doorbell rang exactly two hours after her and Keefe's conversation was an understatement. As she opened the door and came face to face with the blond, her lips curved into a surprised smile. "When you said two hours, I didn't think you actually meant two hours."

"I had to bake the cake, let it cool down, then frost and decorate," Keefe said with a shrug, handing her the beautifully decorated chocolate mousse cake on an elegant glass tray. "It took some time."

Biana laughed, shaking her head. "No, I meant that you took quicker than I expected you to!" She nudged the door open wider with her hip, and motioned for Keefe to come in. "I'll just put the cake in the kitchen and then we can head up to my room to ta— hey!"

Keefe turned at the abrupt raise in her voice, and promptly dropped the expensive glass vase he had picked up. With a sheepish smile, he rubbed the back of his head. "I'm sorry...?" He offered.

"You're picking up all the glass pieces," Biana sighed, resisting the urge to smack him over the head. She was, after all, holding the world's most delicious dessert in her hands. Well, the chocolate mousse cake was tied with cinnamon apple pie as her favourite desserts, but same difference.

While Keefe picked up the glass pieces of the vase— Biana appreciated that he was actually listening to her for once— she took two plates from a cupboard and cut two slices of the cake.

Dodging Dex as he tried to steal a plate of cake from her, Biana started. "Dude, since when were you in my house? The actual fuck?"

Shrugging, Dex swiped his finger across some frosting, picking it up, and stuck his finger in his mouth. He closed his eyes in appreciation, "Mmm. This is really good!"

"That didn't answer my question," Biana huffed, rolling her eyes in mock-annoyance. "Weirdo."

Dex's eyes snapped open and he shot a playful glare towards her. "Hey, your brother's the one who let me in! If you have a problem with me being in your house, talk to him— not me!"

She grumbled under her breath, and pulled her plate back when Dex tried to take more of the cake's frosting. "Don't you dare, Dexter Alvin Dizznee!" At the use of his full name, Dex stopped immediately. "There's more in the kitchen, you know."

"I don't wanna walk all the way there!" He half-huffed half-whined.

Stifling a laugh, Biana shook her head as Dex walked into the kitchen. "Bring a slice up for my brother as well— you know how grouchy he gets when he's not a part of things."

Not waiting for Dex's reply, she strode into the foyer of her large mansion, leaning against a wall and watching as Keefe finished dusting all the pieces of glass into the dustpan. "Aw, thanks leaf," she grinned teasingly at the blond. "If Mum notices, I'll blame it on Dex or Fitz."

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑, tiana | hiatusWhere stories live. Discover now