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@foxfirehightea  BREAKING NEWS: 7 male students have been suspended for the rest of the week, due to two unrelated events

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@foxfirehightea BREAKING NEWS: 7 male students have been suspended for the rest of the week, due to two unrelated events. Our sources say that our resident "Bad Boy" Tam Song is one of these students!

tagged; @tams_ and 6 others

liked by glimmer, stina_hex and 1784 others

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@stina_hex wow. way to take away from the main problem and instead put the focus on a rich and privileged little brat,,,,

---> @tams_ i didn't ASK them to mention me specifically--

@nik.o  thanks, i hate this

---> @bianaavacker  babe this doesn't even concern u tho...?

------> @nik.o  u might wanna double check your facts with that

---------> @tams_  stop fucking whining about it, blondie

------------> @bianaavacker  ooookayyyy then,,,, i think i'm gonna leave the comment section now-- 

@tams_  🖕

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oh no

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oh no. why do y'all think tammy got suspended??? and why is nik so pressed about this??? 

i can't think of anything else to write here, oops. 

have a great day/night wherever you are :)

~ gigi <3

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