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Tuesday October 12th...

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@thekeefesencen she complained about her feet hurting 5 mins into our day out #thisiswhyyoushouldn'thaveagirlbestfriend

tagged; @bianaavacker

liked by bianaavacker, linhs_ and 1457 others

view all 382 comments

@bianaavacker i hate you

—> @thekeefesencen mhmm sure u do

—---> @bianaavacker 😈😤🤠🤯🤧🤑

@bianaavacker damn i look adorable

—> @fvacker aDORKable

—---> @bianaavacker says u 🙄

—------> fvacker bruh

@fvacker this hurts. I wasn't even invited—

—> @thekeefesencen sorry bro but ur not part of the amazingness that is team keefe-biana

—---> @bianaavacker more like team biana-keefe bc IM the boss here

—------> @thekeefesencen pshhhhh u wish, bi

@linhs_ aww i love ur friendship!!

@sophie.foster wow when did this happen

[@sophie.foster has deleted this comment]

@sophie.foster love u babes!!! @bianaavacker 😘🤩

—> @bianaavacker ilyttt <3

@dexdizznee  @thekeefesencen can u pls make me some cake

—> @thekeefesencen dude, no

—---> @dexdizznee why not

—------> @dexdizznee you made biana cake

—---------> @thekeefesencen yeah i made BIANA cake, last time i checked u weren't her

@tams_ ha look at keefe's face, it's hilarious

—> @bianaavacker it is, isn't it? 😭✋

@glimmer kinda surprised keefe's back didn't break lmfaoo

—> @thekeefesencen the actual fuck vivian?!?!

—---> @tams_ just— just stop it, glimmer. no one cares about you or your opinion. you're literally irrelevant so shut the fuck up

—------> @fvacker why am i not surprised at this comment? first you slut-shame my sister and now you're body shaming her...

@justmarella my fav pair of besties!! <3

—> @marucacheb wow i'm offended

—---> @sophie.foster dw mar i'd choose our friendship over keefe-biana any day 😘

i love the keefe-biana frienship a little too much

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i love the keefe-biana frienship a little too much. key word: FRIENDSHIP. so don't be getting any ideas lmao. tiana >>>> 

uhhhhh so anyways i've been gone a LONG time but i'm gonna *try* and post more consistently now (at least until finals come up haha) soooooooooooo enjoy!! 

quick question for fun: have u watched a bollywood movie, ever? if yes, what's ur favourite? i watched 'Main Hoon Na' the other day and it was pretty great, ngl. brought back the memories. i am in LOVE with amrita rao. and sushmita sen. oops. 

anyways!! next chapter should be up someday soon--- i believe i'm writing 2-3 chapters in advance, which is a good thing. 

have a great day/night wherever u are :)

~ gigi <3 

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