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Wednesday October 13th...

–––––——————–– BIANA PUSHED THE women's bathroom door harshly, and it swung open. It slammed shut behind her, too. As she caught a glimpse of her flushed and shiny face, Biana winced.

She splashed some cold water on it, not knowing what else to do. There was something off about the whole situation, she knew it. Unfortunately, she didn't know what.

It wasn't as if she didn't want Alvar to be happy— she wanted that immensely. It was just that... Vespera gave her the creeps. For a reason unknown to her, but Biana had learnt long ago to trust her gut.

"Biana?" A male voice called from the other side of the door. "Biana, are you in there?"

She didn't reply.

Unfortunately, the dude at the door didn't go away. Instead, he came into the women's bathroom.

Her face dripping with cold water, Biana turned to glare. As she realised who it actually was, though, her glare faltered. But then, she remembered his standoffish and cold attitude towards her, and the way he had practically blown her off, Biana's gaze hardened. "Oh, so now you want to talk to me?"

The words that escaped her lips were harsh and cutting, unforgiving, but Tam didn't back away.

"I got worried about you, Bia," he told her.

A frown slipped onto her face. "Oh," she said, her eyes narrowing in irritation, "so you can get worried about me, but I can't get worried about you."

Tam groaned, rubbing his hand over his face in annoyance. "No, that's not it at all. What's the matter with you?"

Her frown deepening, Biana shook her head. "No, first you tell me what's the matter with you. Then I'll spill."

"There's nothing wrong with me!" Tam said, throwing his hands up.

Biana raised her eyebrow, a little bit pretentiously, and then turned away from him. If he didn't want to tell her what was up with him, that was fine. But then he couldn't expect her to tell him anything either. She grabbed a paper towel from the stack on the counter, and pressed it to her face.

Thankfully, she wasn't wearing the full-face of makeup she usually did to such formal events. Otherwise it would be sliding down her face right now. A small smile appeared on her face at the image of foundation and concealer running down her face, but it disappeared as quickly as it came.

She patted her skin dry and, opening her small clutch, pulled out a tube of moisturiser. After dabbing it onto her cheeks and across her forehead, she rubbed it in. Then Biana pulled out some concealer and applied it under her eyes, to hide the newly-formed puffiness, and blended it in with a small beauty blender. After that, she re-applied her shimmery silver eyeshadow, and re-did her winged eyeliner. Lastly, Biana put on another layer of glossy pink lip gloss.

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