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Thursday October 7th...

–––––——————–– "BIANA VACKER, WILL you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?"

The brunette's eyes widened as Nik popped the question. In all honesty, she had absolutely no clue what to say. But, seeing his round hazel eyes so full of hope made Biana's heart stutter in her chest. "I--"

"I know," he said hurriedly, "that we've only been on, like, two dates so far, but they were the best two dates of my life. I really like you, Biana. And I hope you feel the same about me."

Teal eyes widened drastically as Nik brought out a bouquet of peach roses.

"I hope this sweetens the deal?"

"Nik, I--" Biana sneezed. Loudly. Anyone who wasn't looking at them before would most certainly be looking at them now. Moving her hair out of her face, she sighed. "I'm so sorry, Nik, I'm terribly allergic to roses."

It was true; her eyes started watering and she could feel her nose stinging just from being so close to the flowers. Internally, Biana cursed her father for giving her the environmental allergies. Nothing said romance like a runny nose and puffy eyes from a flower gift!

His jaw dropped and he tossed the roses behind him. "Shit. I didn't know, Bia, I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you...?"

The fact that he had just uttered Tam's special nickname for her didn't register in her head. Nodding, Biana said, "Yeah. Maybe you can buy me a coffee and we can celebrate being an official couple." She winked playfully as Nik's concerned frown turned into a wide grin.

"Wait-- really?"

She laughed, throwing her head back. "Yeah. Really." And in that moment, there was a sparkle in her eyes that usually only occurred when she was around Tam. Somehow-- no, she didn't know how-- she had started to actually like Nik.

At least she was finally (somewhat) over the boy with the bangs-- or so she thought.

Nik's beaming face and shining eyes was worth everything. It looked like his entire world had lit up before his eyes. "Epic!" He grinned widely, revealing a set of gleaming white teeth.

"I'm glad you think so," Biana shook her head, a soft smile on her lips.

Before their conversation could continue, Sophie ran over to the couple and tugged on Biana's arm. "Come with me," she said through clenched teeth. "You've got to see this."

Flashing Nik an apologetic grin, Biana turned and followed her blonde friend down the hallway.

Sophie stopped in front of the door to the gymnasium, twisting the handle gently so that it wouldn't make noise as she opened the door a crack. Propping her foot against the edge of the door to keep it open, she poked her head through the doorway.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑, tiana | hiatusWhere stories live. Discover now