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Wednesday October 13th...

TW: there is a bit of harassment and hate spoken of in the contents of this chapter. nothing too graphic or anything, just... icky. there is another warning when that part is close, so please just read at your own risk.

–––––——————–– "BIA, BIA, HEY Bia!"

Biana whirled around, a small smile playing on her lips. "Yes, Ta--" She stopped abruptly for, where she expected to see the boy with the bangs behind her, she was greeted by her boyfriend instead. "--Nik."

"Wanna come over later today?" He asked, smiling devilishly as he wrapped an arm around her waist. "We can watch a movie or..." Nik let his voice trail off suggestively as he drew small circles on the skin of her bare stomach.

Flushing, she pulled away from him. "I wish I could but unfortunately I can't," she confessed, chewing on her lower lip. "Fitz and I have a family affair tonight."

"Family affair, huh?" A small smirk tugged at his lips as he asked, "Can't you just ditch and spend some time with me?"

Biana threw her head back and laughed out loud. "Absolutely not, Nik. This is the first time I'll be seeing Alvar since, well, forever. I can't just ditch!"

"Who's Alvar?" Nik's eyes narrowed together.

"My older brother, silly," Biana laughed once more. "He's already working at Vacker Industries, since he's so much older than Fitz and I. So you definitely won't know him."

He seemed to be debating internally about something or the other. A few moments later, he questioned, "Where will you be going for this family affair?"

"Some super-fancy restaurant, I'd guess," Biana shrugged nonchalantly. "Father is big on appearances, and so is Alvar."

"Ooh, sounds fun."

Biana stopped walking abruptly, turning to stare at Nik. "Aw, are you sad I'm too busy for you?" At his pout, she giggled. "I swear, tomorrow we'll go on a date. I'll plan it, too."

"Alrighty," he said, the corners of his mouth going upwards in a small smile. "Are you going to pick me up as well?"

She winked at him, confirming it. "Yep. Now could you please walk me to my locker? Gym finally ended-- I thought it would never-- and I really want to just go home!" The last few words came out as groans.

"You do realize it's only Monday, right?" Nik stared at her, hard. "There are four more days until the weekend, all of which you have to come to school for."

"Don't remind me," Biana said bitterly, scowling. Her mind was still reeling from what had happened in Gym Class. Although she had been given proof from Maruca that Glimmer liked to run her mouth, Biana had never believed that the redhead would have the audacity to do it in front of her!

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑, tiana | hiatusWhere stories live. Discover now