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–––––——————–– BIANA GRINNED AS a familiar face exited the second floor's boys' bathroom. She had known that memorizing her friends' behaviour patterns and habits would come in handy one day!

Tam tried to avert his eyes and slouch past Biana, but she wasn't having it. Reaching out and grabbing the back of his hoodie, she dragged him down a secluded hallway.

"Let me go, Bia– Biana!" He sounded frustrated with himself, likely because he had just uttered the special nickname he had given her in the ninth grade.


She stopped tugging him the minute there was no one around, which proved to be a mistake. The second Biana let go of him, Tam started to stalk off. Of course, Biana couldn't have that.

So she did the only thing she could've done at that moment: tackle him.

At least she did it lightly, so that it wouldn't hurt him much.

Biana sat up, straddling Tam. "You aren't moving from here until you hear me out." She said sternly, as Tam groaned in annoyance.

"Fine," he spat out. "Whatever."

"Do you want to turn around so that you can see the truth on my face when I tell you what really happened?" Biana questioned, chewing her lower lip.

"I don't care" was his reply, and Biana could tell he was rolling his eyes as he said those words.

She relented her grip on him just a little, so that he could shuffle around to face her. "Better?" Biana asked once he had settled.

"Sure." Tam said snarkily.

Biana rolled her eyes. "After sending you those 13 messages, I went to the Library to finish my History Report. I ended up forgetting my phone there when I left early for class, and someone decided to pick it up. You wanna know who that person was?"

"No, not really."

Once again, Biana rolled her eyes. Even though she had tried her hardest not to this time. "It was Glimmer. Well, actually it was Vivian Newton, who goes by the name 'Glimmer'. Childish, yeah I know."

Tam scoffed. "I love how you're saying she's childish, like you're not holding me down right now and sitting on me."

Biana promptly ignored him, plowing on. "I suppose she unlocked my phone because, as Keefe says, my password is really easy to guess." She scowled at this part. "And then she sent that really nasty text message to you. I don't know why, or how she knew the things she knew, but she did."

"If Glimmer stole your phone," Tam pointed out, "how did you figure it out?"

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