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Friday October 25th...

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@bianaavacker so give me all of ur love, give me something to dream about<3

liked by tams_, sophie.foster, and 1196 others

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@sophie.foster  GOODBYE U ARE GORGEOUS

—> @bianaavacker  says u!!!



—---> @linhs_  NO I DIDN'T SEE THE NEWS

—------> @justmarella  CAUSE WE WERE SOMEWHERE ELSE

—---------> @marucacheb  STUMBLE DOWN PRETEND ALLEYWAYS

—------------> @dexdizznee  CHEAP WINE, MAKE-BELIEVE IT'S CHAMPAGNE

—---------------> @bianaavacker  I WAS TAKEN BY THE VIEW

—------------------> @tams_  LIKE WE WERE IN PARIS

@fvacker  is this harry styles again

—> @thekeefesencen  no its ur mom

—---> @bianaavacker  hey!! what did my mom ever do to u?

—------> @sophie.foster  leave my queen della out of this

@thekeefesencen  my hair is still better than urs

—> @bianaavacker  liar.

@glimmer  i wonder who else is in your bed, skank

—> @bianaavacker  it's slut, actually, you ignorant brit

—---> @sophie.foster  YES QUEEN POP OFF @bianaavacker

—------> @tams_  how haven't you blocked this bitch yet?

—---------> @glimmer  ikkk babe i should do it immediately @tams_ thank u for always looking out for me 🥺🥺

—------------> @tams_  no, vivian, YOU'RE the bitch. i'm telling bia to block you.

@justmarella  glad to see a certain someone getting humbled in them comments

—> @marucacheb  same sis, same


—> @bianaavacker  i love u <3

@marucacheb u are glowinggggg

@marucacheb prettiest girl ever!!!

—> @bianaavacker no u!!

@tams_  [ this comment has now been deleted ]

@tams_  your necklace is on funny haha

—> @sophie.foster  not u pretending u didn't comment that on biana's post

—---> @thekeefesencen  yeah, bangs boy, you're not slick. i think fitz saw that too

—------> @bianaavacker  saw what?

—---------> @sophie.foster  OFC U DIDN'T SEE IT. SMH. 

hey guys! i'm back :) 

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hey guys! i'm back :) 

these author's notes r probably gonna be short&sweet bc i barely have time anymore lmao soooo yeah. anyways if u liked this chapter, please please please vote & spam comment!!! i love love love reading comments, they always get me motivated to write <3 

ummm im gonna go now bc i have lots of hw and stuff to get to, so yeah!!! peace!!!

have a great day/night wherever u are :)

~ gigi <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2022 ⏰

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