Chapter One

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"River what are you doing?"My boss Mrs Hastings asked walking into the backroom.

I was seated on the floor surrounded by all the dogs we had at the clinic.

"Saying goodbye."I replied as I hugged a golden retriever that was lapping up my tears.

His gesture only made me cry more. That's all I had been doing the past two weeks, non stop crying.

"Awe darling I'm sorry. Are you sure there's no way you can stay? You clearly love your job and we love having you here."Mrs Hastings inquired.

I had been working at the pet clinic ever since I was twelve. I started as a volunteer, cleaning the cages and other minor jobs. I had fallen in love with the animals and followed my passion until I was officially employed as a veterinary doctor. It was all I'd ever known and now I was saying goodbye forever. And the worst thing is that I couldn't tell Mrs Hastings or any of my other co-workers why I was leaving.

Getting married to the son of a rival mafia family wasn't exactly something to put out in the world.

"Unfortunately no but I'll be fine."I replied.

"Well okay then, take your time. You'll be missed around here."She consoled.

"I'll miss you all too."I replied with a sniff wiping my tears away.

Mrs Hastings gave me one last longing look before leaving me alone with my furry friends. I was getting married in less that forty eight hours and that reality wouldn't let me breath. I felt like a had a weight pressing against my chest preventing me from breathing properly. I had begged my dad to reconsider, I'd even called Mr Torreti himself but they were both adamant on ruining my life and Evan's. They had upped my security to four guards instead of one to prevent me from doing something like running away. I had considered it but then changed my mind because I knew my father would find me no matter where I went.

I took my time with the dogs letting them console me until it was the end of my last shift and my ass got numb. I put the dogs back in their crates before going to the break room to clear out my locker. It took less than ten minutes and after saying goodbye to everyone I left the clinic.

"Ready to go home Miss Anderson?"Mateo my guard of five years asked me opening the back door for me.

I nodded sadly and got in putting my seatbelt on hugging my bag to my chest. Mateo got into the front passenger seat while Adrian drove us home. I knew there was a car trailing us with two other guards. If you asked me it was overkill but my dad didn't trust me.

As soon as I got home I went directly to my room not caring that I hadn't eaten all day. I caught a glimpse of Claudia in the kitchen who was looking at me with a sad look on her face. I didn't need her pity or anyones pity, what I needed was a miracle.

I took a shower and made sure to wash my hair changing into a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants without bothering to properly dry my hair. It was not a good idea but maybe I'd get sick and die saving me from a loveless marriage that would ruin my life. Claudia knocked on the door some time later and came in carrying a tray with food and a couple of maids following her with wrapped gifts. Ever since news of may engagement to Evan had leaked I had been getting presents from everyone, even people I didn't know.

"Put them with the rest."Claudia instructed.

The maids did as they had been asked before leaving the room. The pile at the corner of my room was growing everyday but I refused to touch any of them.

"You need to eat something mija."Claudia said placing a tray on my bedside table.

"I'm not hungry."I replied softly burrowing myself further into my blankets.

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