Chapter Ten

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Jasmine could barely contain herself when the school gates came to view.

"Lo and behold, your prison for the next four years."I teased glancing at her through the rearview mirror.

"I don't care what you say, you are not ruining this for me."Jasmine retorted the smile on her face unwavering.

There were a couple of cars ahead of us being checked by security at the entrance so it took us a while to get into the school.

"This is it."Jasmine sighed as we drove through the gate, the administration building coming into view.

A guard in uniform was directing the cars where to park and as soon as we parked in an allocated slot, Jasmine was already scrambling out of her seat.

"I've never seen anyone so excited for school."River commented with a chuckle.

"Nerds."I grinned undoing my seatbelt.

"You say that as if you aren't one."River scoffed.

"At least I'm a cool nerd."I defended.

"Sure keep telling yourself that."

She didn't even give me a chance to argue my case as she got out of the car with the rest of my family. Jasmine was dancing circles around everyone as we stood infront of the car looking out into the school. It was an impressive institution being ranked one of the top Kenyan high schools. Jasmine would do great and I was very proud of her for getting in.

"Okay so what's the first step?"I asked my mom.

"I have no idea but I'm sure it's signing her in and confirming her admission. Dad, Jasmine and I will do that while you two get everything out of the trunk. I'm sure it has to be checked."My mom explained.

"Okay mom."I nodded watching Jasmine skip ahead of my parents as they headed for the administration building.

"I've already spotted two girls crying but she is just bubbling with excitement."River chuckled.

I looked around to see that she was right. There were a couple of girls crying, others looking like they had just been handed a death sentence while Jasmine was celebrating.

"She's always loved to read, wants to be president one day and all that."I shrugged unlocking the car.

"As if you've never wanted to be president, that thought has crossed every child's mind at least once."River commented.

"True but for most kids it's just a dream, for Jasmine, it's a mission, she even has a vision board and everything."I explained.

"That's so productive I like that, tell her is she ever wants to a campaign manager, I'll be more than happy to help."River offered.

"You're a veterinary doctor."I scoffed.

"Yes but I was also the school president while in high school."River informed me.

"Impressive but you'll be long gone by then and besides high school president doesn't compare much to being commander in chief of the armed forces."I reasoned.

"It's the same concept and yes I might be here for only three months but I'd like to think that I'm making life long friends."She defended and there was no arguing with that.

We managed to get everything out of the trunk and lay it out neatly next to the car.

"Now we wait."I sighed taking a seat on the open trunk.

I patted the spot next to me inviting River to sit next to me.

"Thank you for coming."I said as she settled herself by my side.

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