Chapter Thirty Four

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I hightailed out of the kitchen intending to seek sanctuary in our bedroom but my legs failed me halfway up the staircase and I fell on my knees.

What the actual fuck?

Mafia. My wife was a mafia princess? What had I gotten myself into? What kind of family had I married into?

This could not be happening but it was. It was all true as advertised by the armed men standing in my kitchen and the leader of them all calling my wife his daughter.

I felt hurt, scared, lost and worst of all betrayed. River had kept the truth about where she came from me. Was anything she had ever told me about herself true? My mind went back to all our talks over the past few months and I didn't know what was true or false. They had pulled their guns at me and if not for River I would be lying dead in a pool of my own blood. That memory shook me to my core and made me even more scared of the men in my house.

My mind went back to what she had told me before she left the car.

Whatever happens from now onwards know that I love you with all my heart and I am so sorry.

I loved River with all my heart, I had made her my wife for crying out loud but the fact that she had kept such a huge thing from me about her life was heartbreaking. I tried to take comfort in the fact that she loved me too but I couldn't stop overthinking and doubting the very basis of our relationship.

I heard the front door open and close and thought that they had left but when I heard River and her father walk into the living room, I knew my prayer was unanswered. They could not see me from my position on the staircase and I could not see them either but I could hear them. I should have moved to give them some privacy but I found myself stuck in place.

I was glad to hear that her father held no grudge towards her because of the money she had stolen. At least that part of her story had been true. That money had helped River and I greatly, we were able to buy a car, travel Kenya, support my family, finance our wedding and buy our home. Mr. Anderson truly was a rich man if such a huge amount of money did not faze him.

"Isn't it obvious. I am here to bring you back home so go up there and pack your bags, the jet is waiting. Or better yet don't bring anything with you, your room is still the same as the day you left." Mr. Anderson demanded and my breath hitched as I waited for her reply.

"Dad I am not coming back with you. I have a husband, a new family and a new life here in Kenya. I am not going to just leave it all behind." River answered making me smile.

Her father was not pleased with that answer and he began to challenge her but River defended me fiercely making me a happy man. At least I could trust River and her feelings towards me even if she had lied about everything else.

The mention of divorce had me clutching my chest in pain. River and I could not get divorced. I loved her and she loved me and hearing her defend our marriage made me very proud of her. I knew I didn't have any money to my name but River was the most important person in my life and I would work my ass off to treat her right and give her the life that she deserved.

The more I listened the more I understood why River had runaway in the first place. Her father was a tyrant, a dictator who did not deserve his angel of a daughter.

When River asked her father how he had found us I was not surprised to hear that it was through Demi. Yes, we had been careful but having Demi had come with its own risks and it looked like we had not been careful enough. That was under the bridge now anyway. Her father had found River and I wanted to see how it would all unfold.

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