Chapter Thirty One

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"I'm gonna miss you."I cried pulling my best friend in for a hug.

How had two weeks flown by so quickly? Saying goodbye to Demi this time was harder than I thought it would be.

"I'll miss you too bestie, thank you for inviting me."Demi replied hugging me back tighter.

"Are you kidding? There's no way I would have done this without you."I sniffed.

"You hear that Dean, I am the glue that holds this marriage together."Demi teased looking at Dean over my shoulder.

"Be nice."I scolded.

"I always am. Call me for the next wedding."Demi said pulling back.

"Hey!" Dean yelled unamused by that joke.

"Sorry I meant for the birth of your first born."Demi corrected with a laugh.

I really had won two for two when it came to a best friend.

"Much better."Dean praised.

Demi stepped away from me to hug Dean goodbye.

"Watch your back Dean and take care of my best friend. I know some powerful people who would make you disappear without a trace. It'll be like you never existed. Or I can just do it myself, I know more than seventy ways to kill a man and without leaving a trace."Demi threatened.

The fact that she was not lying made her threat all the more real. The both of us were well versed in self defense, how to use weapons of all kinds and how to actually kill people. Considering the kind of life our fathers lived, it was kind an occupational hazard. Good thing is, it had never come to a point for me to use any of my deadly skills and hopefully it never will.

"I don't doubt that." Dean replied with a straight face but it was obvious that Demi's words got to him.

My best friend might have been tiny but she could pack a mean punch.

"Good, then we have an agreement."Demi nodded drawing away from his arms.

I looked up at the massive airport and felt sad that it was now time to say goodbye to Demi. But I was still grateful that she had been able to come and celebrate the beginning of this new phase of my life with me.

"I'll walk her in guys, you don't have to wait for me."Dishan said finally speaking up.

He had been quiet on the ride to the airport and I knew its because he was sad to let Demi go. They had grown super close over the span of the honeymoon and now they had to say goodbye which had to be hard. Unfortunately for pthe two fuck buddies we had our lives to go back to and Demi couldn't stay longer to avoid raising suspicion from our parents back in the States.

"We'll wait for you."Dean replied leaving no room for an argument.

After one more hug from Demi, Dishan lead her inside dragging her suitcase with one hand the other one wrapped around her shoulders pulling her close.

"It's hurts to think that this could have been us if they had deported you."Dean whispered.

He pulled me closer as we watched our friends disappear inside the airport building.

"I don't want to even go there. We are married now and there's no getting rid of me."I replied.

"I would have followed you to the ends of the world."Dean admitted.

"I know and I'm glad we didn't come to that."I replied kissing his wrist.

I wouldn't have been able to bear it if Dean left his family behind for me. The guilt would have been the end of our relationship but I was so glad it hard worked out in the end.

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