Chapter Twenty

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I had been looking forward to taking River to Nakuru ever since she arrived. It was the most scenic county in Kenya with so many places to visit and lots to do. Even though River had decided to stay in Kenya and we had all the time in the world to travel, she didn't want to stop. She wanted to make up for the five weeks she had been stuck indoors and as her tour guide and boyfriend who wanted to keep her happy always I agreed.

And besides, it's not like she couldn't afford it. We'd barely made a dent in all the money that she had brought with her. River could decide not to work for the rest of her life and she would be set as long as she stayed in Kenya. The dollar was becoming more and more valuable which sucked for Kenya's economy but favored River immensely.

Even though I had been planning the Nakuru trip for weeks, I might have messed up when it came to timing. I glanced at my adorable passenger writhing in pain next to me and felt guilty.

"Waridi maybe we should head back or find a hospital, you don't look too good babe."I asked touching her arm slightly.

She was burning up and sweating even though the A/C was on and all windows rolled down.

"Dean I've been menstruating since I was twelve, I'll be okay."River groaned through gritted teeth.

It ached me to see her in so much pain. Her cramps had started ten minutes into the drive but she refused to postpone the trip even though it was clear she needed medical attention and a bed or better yet a tranquilizer to knock her out for the next three days.

"It wasn't this bad last month."I commented.

"I was still under medication for my injuries, the prescription I was on helped."River explained.

I wanted to help, I really did but I had no idea how. River had already taken some painkillers but they didn't seem to be helping and she was progressively looking worse.

"Come on, I'm sure there's something I can do to help."I pleaded hating to see my girl in pain.

"You can stop over because I'm about to throw up."River demanded hurriedly undoing her seatbelt.

The road was deserted so I quickly pulled over and watched River jump out of the car. I got out with her and held her hair back as she threw up by the side of the road. She emptied her stomach of the heavy breakfast we had enjoyed together earlier that morning before leaving Nairobi.

I retrieved a bottle of water for her after she was done so she could rinse her mouth and wash her face.

She looked terrible, I couldn't resist the urge to pull her into my arms and hug her tight. River melted into my embrace clutching onto my tshirt as if she was holding on for dear life.

"Do you want kids?"I asked River as we swayed slowly the sun beating us mercilessly overhead but cooled down by the wind blowing softly past us.

"Yes, why?"She croaked.

"If you didn't want kids you could just have your ovaries surgically removed and avoid all this monthly pain for the next twenty years of your life."I answered.

"I think you're the first man to ever suggest a woman get rid of her reproductive organs."River laughed her voice hoarse from throwing up a few minutes ago.

"It's your body and its clear you suffer so why not but if you want kids it's a price you have to pay."I replied.

"It's one I'm willing to pay. I grew up as an only child and it was a lonely childhood. Yes I had Demi but she had her own siblings to worry about. I want no less than three kids."River declared.

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