Bonus Chapter Five

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"River is going to be pissed." Those were the last words I heard from Dean's comm followed by an explosion and static.

I don't think he had intended for me to hear those words but damn right I was pissed.

"Dean." I called out pushing my chair back and getting up.

The cameras had cut once the explosives went off meaning I had no visual and no sound either.

"Evan, Alberto. Where is my husband?" I asked since their comms were still active.


"Boys don't make me ask again." I gritted out.

I was trying my best to stay calm and avoid going to worst case scenario.

"We don't know. All explosives have gone off and their comms are offline." Evan replied.

His words were enough to send me to panic mode.

"We need to leave. This place will be crawling with police and fire rescue in no time." Alberto said.

"No! None of you comes back without my father and husband." I demanded.

Demi who had been quiet the whole time got up and approached me.

"River they cannot stay there." She advised.

"But Dean? Dad?" I cried helplessly.

My feet buckled under me as the weight of what was happening crashed around me. I did not even want to think or admit what was happening.

"You guys go, I'll stay back." Evan said.

"What? Are you crazy? That place is an inferno, you can't go looking for them. We don't even know if they are alive." Alberto protested.

"Trust me on this. Get the men back to the compound." Evan demanded.

Their comms went offline for a moment and I realized that they had cut us off. Only Alberto came back on to inform us that he was headed back with the rest of the team but Evan had been left behind.

"He's okay. They are okay." Demi consoled pulling me in for a hug.

"How do you know?" I cried.

"Both are tough stubborn men who have you to live for. If that's not something then I don't know what is. Listen to your heart. What is it telling you? Is Dean dead?" Demi asked.

"No." I mumbled shaking my head.

I was panicking because I'd heard Dean get shot and my father was wounded as well but something in me told me that they were still alive.

"See, then take comfort in that. Evan will find them and bring them back." Demi replied.

I nodded taking comfort in her words. Dean was okay and so was my dad. That would be my chant until Evan brought them back.

Alberto and the rest of the team arrived back at the compound forty-five minutes later. We had a few wounded men but no casualties so those who were injured were taken to the infirmary to get checked at. We had an infirmary at the compound with the best doctors. It was easier that way than having to explain all the gunshot wounds in hospitals.

"Have you herd from Evan?" I asked Alberto as Demi and I joined him in the weapons room where he was taking off his gear.

"No, he chose to go radio silent to be safe and avoid detection." Alberto replied.

The waiting was going to kill me. I was not a patient person made even worse by the fact that it was my father and husbands life on the line. Alberto approached me and pulled me in for a hug.

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