Chapter Four

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I leaned against one of the pillars outside the hotel lobby smoking. I needed something to help me relax after what I had just agreed to. I had done a lot of stupid things in my life like the time I was caught smoking marijuana in a public park or when I'd gone skinny dipping with my friends at the swimming pool of our Vice Chancellor back in university. Those had been stupid things but what I had just agreed to with River was batshit crazy. The money was my biggest motivation though because I desperately needed it. The kind of money she was offering to pay me would change my life for good and if that meant working for a possible drug dealer for the next three months then so be it. All I had to do was be careful and do my job diligently. Then in three months River would leave and I would be rich.

I should never have doubted my mom when she said that the new year would bring financial success to my life. But in my defense she said that every new year. Looks like this time she was actually right.

"I thought we agreed to quit."Dishan asked joining me outside.

"I tried and it didn't work so I stopped trying."I replied holding out the packet in my hand for him.

He picked a cigarette from it and I lit it for him with the lighter stitched in between my fingers.

"You rarely smoke on the grounds, what's going on?"Dishan asked.

Dishan was one of my closest friends but I couldn't share what I knew with him. It was not my secret to tell and I didn't want to break River's trust.

"It's your new customer isn't it? She's hot."Dishan teased when I was quiet for too long.

"Yeah she is."I agreed with a chuckle because it was the closet thing to an excuse I could come up with.

River was sexy as hell but she was also young and a foreigner. I was only twenty five but still I didn't want to even consider having more than a professional relationship with her. What we had between us was already difficult enough without adding the possibility of sex into the picture.

"My advice is to let her be. We have enough beautiful women in the country without going for foreigners. She's nice but she's only here for a fleeting moment."Dishan advised.

"Thank you, I'll keep that in mind."I replied.

"Good luck today my man and don't forget to get her number today. I'm not your secretary."Dishan demanded finishing off his cigarette.

The man smoked more than I did yet his culture didn't allow him to.

"I will, thanks for this morning."I replied.

Dishan had called me to remind me that River was waiting for me. I had already been on my way but to get my money not to work for her. That had already changed and now I was officially under her employment.

"You're welcome, see you around Kamau."Dishan said pushing himself off the pillar.

"Miss Anderson."I heard him mumble politely before River appeared in sight a second later.

She looked at the cigarette in my hand and gave me a disapproving look but didn't say anything about it which I greatly appreciated. It was none of her business but I would try my best not to smoke around her. I dropped it to the ground and stomped it off with my foot putting the pack and the lighter into my pocket. I popped a couple of pieces of mint gum into my mouth to freshen my breath since I was about to be in an enclosed space with River.

"Ready to go?"I asked her.

"Yes."She nodded the look on her face replaced with a smile.

She was wearing that red lipstick again that made her lips look divine.

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