Chapter Forty One

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"Co-ed jail cells. Are there co-ed prison cells as well?" Dean asked me as I lay my head on hi lap looking up at him.

He was seated on a cold steel jail bench holding my head on his lap as he braided strands of my hair. He was doing a poor job of it but I was enjoying the feeling of his fingers in my hair so I did not stop him.

"I think so. I am not really sure." I replied.

"Well the US is much more progressive than Kenya so I would not be surprised." Dean said.

"Is this your first time getting arrested?" I asked Dean.

"You have met my best friend Dishan, what do you think?" He challenged.

"Yeah what was I thinking?" I answered with a chuckle. "It is my first time though and if it wasn't for the fear of something wrong happening and me losing you, I would be enjoying this and crossing it off my bucket list." I said with a grin.

Dean arched an eyebrow at me but he winced since there was a cut on it. He ad not escaped unscathed as he had a few cuts and bruises on him but his dark skin helped to hide them better.

"I just beat three men up to a pulp, there is nothing to celebrate here." Dean scoffed.

"They are alive and you were doing it to defend me. You are not the only one to blame though, I did start the fight and knock one of the guys out." I assured him.

Dean stopped his ministrations on my hair and looked down at me meeting my eyes. "I did not see that."

"You were too busy with the other two. I did not know you could fight like that. I've never actually seen you like that." I expressed.

"I am sorry if I scared you." Dean apologized.

"You didn't. I was worried you would get hurt at first but after watching you it was like watching a lion go feral or something." I replied.

"I've never been like that either. I just went crazy after seeing that man push you. You are the most important person in my life and I would give my life to defend you." Dean said caressing my face with his fingers.

"You did and I love you so much for it. My husband, my hero." I grinned at him.

Dean smiled back and leaned down to kiss me. I could still taste the coffee on his tongue but it did nothing to erase the fact that we had been in jail for hours. My father had been there when we got arrested so he was already aware of the situation.

"What's taking dad so long. We have been here for hours. I think its daybreak already." I cried even though I could not tell the time.

Dean and I had not been able to sleep in the cold cell so we had been talking all night.

"It was a pretty serious offence that we committed so it's probably taking longer than usual to get us cleared. Also, I wouldn't know how all this works remember. I am not from around here." Dean answered.

"I know you are not from around here that's wat got us in this mess in the first place but I would do it all over again with no regret. That bastard had no right calling you the 'n' word." I grunted getting angry when I remembered the events of earlier that evening.

I knew the world was dark and ugly, Dean and I received hate anytime we were out in public together and I was always able to ignore it because they didn't directly address us. Until we had ran out of luck and come across Captain Jerk pants and his idiot friends. When thy used that ugly term to refer to Dean it had pissed me off beyond measure especially after the ordeal we had survived. They had chosen the wrong night to mess with us and I just couldn't take it. I had lost Mateo. Adrian and the other guards who had given their lives for us and even though it was their job it still hurt. Then some dick had decided to bully us just because of Dean's skin. The thought of it just made me angry all over again.

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