Chapter Nineteen

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"Can we go on the Ferris Wheel? And the drop tower and the airborne shot?" I rambled on listing all the exciting things on the Google page.

"Sure waridi we can do anything you want as long as there's time."Dean replied looking at me with a smile.

Dean wanted the destination of our first date to be a surprise but I had forced it out of him. We were going to Two-Rivers mall, ironic right, but it was one of the largest malls in East and Central Africa with the biggest Ferris Wheel Ride in Africa.

"You're bouncing with excitement. I thought you have places like these everywhere in America?"Dean asked.

"True but my dad never let me go, too many people."I replied with a sad smile.

"Dude might as well have kept you in a cage. I mean what's the point of having a kid if you're going to keep them locked up their whole life."Dean gritted out getting angry on my behalf.

I wanted to tell him the real reason as to why my father was so vigilant and careful when it came to my safety but I had no idea how Dean would take it. Even though I didn't like how my father raised me, I understood because of his work. He had to keep me safe and he needed an heir to take over the throne after him. Now that I was gone I had no idea who would become the next Don after my father. Maybe he would get one of my cousins from Italy. We had a big family back home and lots of capable young men and women willing to take over the business. It would still remain under the Anderson name without me having to ruin my life.

"My dad loves me the only way he knows how."I defended.

I still loved my dad and I missed him but not enough to go back to California and let him ruin my life.

"I'm happy you got way in time and now you're here and I got to meet you."Dean confessed taking my hand in his and kissing the back of it.

"Me too, I'm really glad."I smiled squeezing his hand.

Dean was amazing and now that I was dating him, I got to see that on a deeper and more intimate level.

Spending my first ever proper valentine's day with him had been amazing. Surprising him had been a spur of the moment thing and I was so glad I had done it. The look on his face as he saw everything had been so worth it. Dean deserved to be spoiled just as much on such a special day. His gifts for me had been so sweet and thoughtful reinforcing what I knew about Dean being a great man. He made me happy and it was a privilege to be able to return the favor.

"We're here."Dean announced.

I looked up from my phone just as we drove up to the gates. After a brief search by the security guards they let us through directing us to the underground parking lot.

"Wow, this place is huge."I exclaimed in wonder.

"Hopefully we don't get lost."Dean replied as he drove to find a suitable parking lot.

Dean should not have made that joke because we did get lost. After wandering around for ten minutes we finally found a guard who directed us out of the vast parking lot and out to the main floor of the mall.

"So what do you want to do first?"Dean asked me.

"I want to try all the rides before we eat then we can do some shopping after, I saw some really cool stores here."I answered.

"Sound like a plan, let's go."

I took Dean's hand as we walked across the mall to the fun activities theme park. It was outdoors next to the food court.

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