Bonus Chapter Two

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I never thought a day would come where I would be convincing my own husband to take over the mafia but there, I was doing that very thing. Being the capo was a huge responsibility but I would never put Dean up for anything I knew he was not ready for. It was a spur of the moment idea but the more I thought about it, the more I liked it. Seeing that video of Dean come to my defense had turned me on but more than anything it had shown me what my man was capable of. He had sent three men to the hospital in less than four minutes emerging with only a couple of bruises. My man was a badass and that I could harness and make into something greater.

"Remember guys, united front." Alberto said as we stood outside my father's door.

I had not seen my old man since he had arrived at the café to find us being taken away in cuffs yet here I was about to tell him that I wanted my foreigner husband to take over the family. I prepared myself for the worst but hoped for the best.

"Let's go back, I've changed m mind." Dean whispered turning to walk away but Alberto and I stopped him.

"I know its going to be difficult but you promised that you would give it a chance. Let's at least talk to him first. He might do all the rejection for you." I reassured.

Dean did not believe me but I also knew that he would not go back on his word.

"Okay." He nodded giving in.

"It'll be fine." I whispered encouragingly trying to convince myself.

We were literally out of options now and at least this way my father would get what he wanted. It would take a lot of effort but if it worked it would be so worth it.

Just like always I did not bother knocking and entered directly into his office as if he owned the place which technically I did being the heir and all.

"I need to put a lock on that door or better yet a pack of wolves." My father muttered sarcastically looking up at us.

"And here I thought you would be happy to know that Dean and I are okay." I retorted taking a seat one of the chairs in front of his desk

The boys took a protective stance behind me since there was only one other available seat as the rest were too far away.

"I knew that you were okay, who do you think sent Alberto to spring you?" My father countered.

"Fair point, thanks by the way." I replied.

"How does that word taste coming out of your mouth?" My father asked with a smirk.

"Like vinegar but that is not the reason we are here." I began turning to glance at the boys.

They both nodded at me encouragingly even though I could tell Dean was still skeptical. He honestly had nothing to worry about as long as Alberto and I were with him.

"Dad we would like to talk to you about something serious." I started.

"The three of you coming up with something has got to be a bad idea but you are here so I might as well hear you out, so what is it?" My father asked.

"You see how you have been pushing me to divorce Dean and marry someone else to take over the family business?" I asked.

"Yes, are you here to show me the divorce papers?" M father asked with a smirk.

"No of course not." I spat that idea sounding ridiculous.

Oh, how the old man wished that was the announcement we had.

"Too bad. Are you pregnant? It's not the best news and it's a long term shot but my grandchild can run the business." Father asked looking at my belly.

"I am not pregnant and would you please let me speak instead of coming up with all these scenarios." I exclaimed.

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