Bonus Chapter One

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Story branch begins after our lovebirds get arrested for starting a fight at the café after escaping the Mexican cartel.


"So, on a scale of one to ten, how much trouble do you think we are in?" I asked River as she lay her head on my lap playing with my tie.

The jail cell we were in was co-ed and it was just the two of us which was good because I have no idea what I would have done if River and I were separated and forced to share a cell with other people.

"I think he is just relieved to know that we are alive." River replied.

"Somehow, I doubt that, for me that is. I think your father would have preferred if I died in that restaurant." I whispered visibly shuddering at the thought of dying and leaving River all alone in this cruel world.

"Don't say that and I don't care what dad thinks. The important thing is that you are alive and here with me. Now let's wait to get released. I want a shower and a proper bed." River groaned adjusting herself on the steel cold bench she was lying on.

I took off my blazer and draped it over her when I noticed she was shivering even if she was wearing her jacket. For a city that was so hot during the day, it could get really cold at night and I did not want River getting sick on me. I knew that her father was already angry at me, I did not need to give him any more reasons to get even more pissed at me.

At some point the bench started hurting River's back so she crawled onto my lap and slept her face buried in my neck. I drifted off to sleep soon after when the exhaustion of the day caught up with me. I had no idea what awaited me, an undocumented black man in America but at least I knew River was safe and, in my arms, so I chose to focus on the positive and let the chips fall where they may.

The sound of someone banging on the cell doors is what woke me up. River stirred awake as well as we sat up and stretched to find the police officer who had arrested us staring at us through the open cell door.

"You're free to go." He informed us.

"Both of us?" I inquired just to be sure before I started celebrating too soon.

"Yes, both of you." He nodded.

"Who posted our bail?" River asked standing up.

"There's no bail to be paid because all charges against you have been dropped." The officer answered.

River and I looked at each other because we knew her father must have done something to the men we attacked for them to drop the charges completely. I had done a real number on them.

The officer led us out of the cell to sign our release papers and hand us back our property which was not much since we had lost both our phones and River's purse at the restaurant. At least we still had all our jewelry especially our wedding bands and River's engagement ring.

"Be careful out there and don't go beating anyone else up. Next time you might not be so lucky." The officer warned.

"Yes sir, thank you." I replied taking River's hand as I led her out of the police station.

I thought we were going to get a taxi home but Alberto and Demi were there waiting for us.

"River!" Demi cried out as she launched herself at my wife.

River lost her footing and stumbled back but I caught her stabilizing them both.

"You're okay. We were so worried." Demi sniffed crying onto River's shoulder.

"It's okay, we're okay. Thank you for coming to pick us up." River reassured her.

Demi pulled away to inspect River of any injuries but besides the small cut on her brow and the bruise on her elbow from where she had hit the table after the man pushed her, she was okay.

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