Chapter Twenty Six

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"You ready?"I asked River straightening up after helping her zip up her boots.

My princess looked beautiful in official high waisted brown palazzo pants, a light black sweater and black boots. I had no one to impress so I wore a black Adidas hoodie, camo cargo pants and white sneakers.

"No."River mumbled putting on her sunglasses.

My girl was worried, it was clear but I wished there was a way I could reassure her that everything would be okay. I didn't have much power, being at the bottom of the food chain in Kenya with no connections but I had something worth fighting for. River was everything to me and I would be damned if I let her go without a fight. River was going nowhere and by the end of the day she would be assured of that fact.

"We're doing this together."I encouraged pulling her into a comforting hug.

River wrapped her arms around my chest and hugged me back holding on tight.

"Together."River said her voice muffled by my chest.

I waited until she pulled back as she needed that hug as did I.

"Don't forget mom's boxes."River said as we stepped out of the house.

"Shit! Yeah."

I rushed back into the house to grab the two boxes of stuff we were taking to my mom. I had no idea where to take the things I wanted to donate but my mom would. After talking to her the previous night about our current situation she had demanded that we go see before our appointment at the immigration office. I knew she wanted to pray with us and reassure us that everything was okay which we both desperately needed.

River was quiet the whole drive over to my mom's place and I made no effort to start up a conversation. It would only make us more nervous and we'd already had a lengthy discussion the previous night as we prepared for the meeting.

I hadn't even considered the possibility of River being rejected. It meant accepting that there was a chance River wouldn't be by my side forever and I refused to entertain those thoughts. I hadn't been looking for a partner yet when River walked into my life she fit into it perfectly. I couldn't imagine my life without her in it and for that I would fight to keep her there.

River and I made it home in no time and I carried the boxes up with River trailing behind me quietly. My hands were full so I handed River the keys to let us in.

"Mom we're here."I announced kicking off my shoes.

"Don't take yours off."I said when I saw River move to take off her boots.

"That's disrespectful."She scoffed taking them off anyway.

It was good to see that she was being her usual sarcastic self. There was hope after all.

My mom came wading through the house towards us. She ignored me, her first born son, the first fruit of her womb, her pride and joy and went directly for River.

"How are you sweetheart?"My mom asked cupping her face lovingly.

River had a couple of inches on my mom but without her heels on, it levelled them out a bit.

"Hanging in there." River answered with a shrug.

"It'll be okay."My mom reassured pulling her into a hug.

River hugged her back while I stood there boxes still in hand watching them.

"Am I invisible?"I mumbled when my mom pulled River further into the house.

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