Chapter Seventeen

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"Dean I'm sorry."I cried bent over the toilet bowl lying on my arm as I took a break from emptying my guts.

"Don't be, it's okay."Dean replied behind me rubbing soothing circles on my back.

It felt so good and relaxing, I hoped he wouldn't stop.

"Do you hate me now?"I asked hating the foul taste in my mouth.

"Why would I hate you?"Dean laughed.

"Because I guilt talked you into buying me a hotdog then puked all over your shoes."I answered.

"No waridi, I don't hate you, I could never hate you."Dean assured me.

"Good because I don't hate you either."I hiccuped.

Dean laughed, the wonderful sound echoing in the tiny bathroom. It was a tiny space but Dean managed to squeeze in there with me to help me as I puked.

"Good to know. Are you okay now?"He asked.

I nodded and lifted my head off the bowl. I moved to lean back but I felt more coming so I bent over the toilet again throwing up more beer and hotdog. I should never have eaten that cursed hotdog. Dean had warned me but I didn't listen and now I was paying the price. Everything had been good until I had that damn hotdog.

"That's it, let it all out."Dean encouraged rubbing my back.

And let it out I did. I heaved until there was nothing left but air. My throat burned in irritation, there was a nasty taste in my mouth and a burning in my eyes.

"Okay, let's get you up."Dean declared getting up and pulling me with him.

I was afraid that I would throw up again but it didn't happen. Seems like my body was done. Dean flushed the toilet and put the toilet seat down but that didn't help with the stench I'd left in the bathroom. He turned me around to face the sink and mirror putting some toothpaste on my toothbrush for me. My hands felt sluggish but I was determined to get that disgusting taste out of my mouth so I forced my limbs to work.

I managed it and after gaggling with mouthwash without throwing up I knew I was good for the night. Dean helped me clean my face with a wash cloth taking my make up off being the ever attentive nurse.

"You are so good to me."I grinned at him in my drunken haze as he cleaned my hands as well.

"Well it doesn't cost a thing to be kind."He responded.

"But it did cost you your AirMax sneakers."I giggled.

Dean glared at me but I could see amusement all over his face.

"Those can be cleaned just like I've done to you. Now let's get you to bed." He declared.

Dean helped me back into the main room setting me down carefully on the bed. Without his support I found it hard to keep myself up so I fell back on the bed looking up at the ceiling.

"Waridi you need to get changed." Dean demanded.

"I can't move my arms."I slurred trying to move my limbs but it was too difficult.

"You can't sleep in those clothes."Dean reasoned.

I knew what he was saying was sensible but I was too drunk and tired to do anything about it.

"Will you be okay if I change you?"Dean asked and I could hear the worry in his voice.

He was being such a sweet gentleman.

"I trust you."I replied.

"Okay."Dean sighed.

Next I felt him kneeling on the bed next to me. I opened my eyes to find him looking down at me with a bit of fear and confusion written all over his face. Poor Dean. I was doing this to him. He finally made a decision and turned me slightly on my side to undo my zipper. Next he slid the dress off my body carefully as if afraid to touch me leaving me in my underwear. Quickly, as if it hurt him to see me naked he put one of his t-shirts over me covering my nakedness.

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