Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Here comes the bride, here comes the bride...." Demi hummed to herself as she helped me with my make up.

"You do know I won't actually walk down the aisle to that song right?" I challenged.

"I know but I can't help it, I'm happy. My best friend is getting married."Demi sniffed.

"Don't you dare cry, if you do then I'll start crying and you've spent too much time on my make up for me to ruin it."I scolded.

"Okay no crying. Close your eyes I need to finish up with the setting spray."Demi requested.

I closed my eyes as she said and let her do her to thing.

"And done, behold my master piece."Demi announced stepping aside to let me see my reflection on the mirror.

I looked good, Demi was better than any professional make up artist I could have hired and I was really grateful for her.

"Thank you, I look stunning."I commented.

"I know, time to put on your dress."Demi demanded softly.

We were currently at Sky Hotel, in the same room I'd occupied when I landed in Kenya. Demi was staying there at the moment since Dean's studio apartment was too small for all of us. The wedding had put a hitch in our relocating plans but we would be moving to our new house immediately we came back from our week long Honeymoon at Diani. I was finally getting to visit the coast and what better excuse than for our honeymoon.

I got up from the vanity and went to the bathroom to change into my dress. Demi had picked it up for me when she was in south Africa since the design I wanted wasn't available in Kenya. I didn't want a complicated dress, just a simple one since that was the whole theme of our wedding.

I was grateful for all the trouble Demi had gone through to ensure she was with me for the wedding without compromising my location. I owed her a lot for being such a dedicated best friend.

As I put my dress on I couldn't help but feel sad that none of my parents were there with me. I looked at my left hand where my mom's engagement ring was nestled and smiled sadly. I was so happy that Dean had let me wear it as my engagement ring. At least now I had my mom close to me. My dad's absence was his own fault but I couldn't help but wish he was with me. Every girl desired to have her dad walk her down the aisle. But his idea of walking me down the aisle was marrying me off to a gay man and I refused to be part of that.

But no matter. I was getting married to a man I loved, with my best friend by my side and his whole family there to witness the testament of our love.

"Demi, I need you to help me zip up."I called out when I couldn't reach the my back.

"Maid of honor to the rescue."Demi yelled excitedly.

She barged into the bathroom a second later and gasped when she saw me.

"River you look gorgeous."She exclaimed.

I did look good. My dress was a v-neckline dress with a thigh high slit and no train. I had paired it with gold heels and my blonde overly long hair was styled in loose curly waves framing my face. I looked like a princess.

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